2.MD.A.2 - About the Math, Learning Targets, and Increasing Rigor

Grade 2 Measurement and Data


About the Math

Full Standard

Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen.


Measurement Topic

This standard is reported on the report card in these quarters as follows:

2nd Grade Students Learning 2nd Grade Standards
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4



Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of measurement concepts.

1st Grade Students Learning 2nd Grade Standards
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4



Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of measurement concepts.


About the Math

Skills and concepts below are learning goals for this standard.

  • Determine appropriate units of length (e.g., inches, feet, centimeter, meter) to measure an object.
  • Measure an object with two different unit lengths (e.g. inches and feet).
  • Explain how the size of the unit length affects measurement (b/c inches are smaller than feet, one will need many more inches to measure something large).

Measurement is a number that indicates a comparison between an attribute (length) and the same attribute of a given unit of measure. We match the object being measured with the standard unit. Use both centimeters and inches to measure length. Students should use two different units of length measurement, such as inches and centimeters, and be able to describe how the difference in units affect the measurement they found. Essential vocabulary for this standard includes: length, unit, centimeter, inch, and nonstandard measurement. Visit the online dictionary Links to an external site. for vocabulary support.



Progression of Standard within Grade 2

This progression informs how to develop the standard within the grade level. This progression is provided by HCPSS Elementary Mathematics.

Progression Throughout Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
  • Determine appropriate units of length (e.g., inches, feet, centimeter, meter) to measure an object.
  • Measure an object with two different unit lengths (e.g. inches and feet).
  • Explain how the size of the unit length affects measurement (b/c inches are smaller than feet, one will need many more inches to measure something large).


Progression of this Standard Across Grades

This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.

Progression Across Grades
Grade 1 Grade 3
  • Understand unit and non-unit fractions  (3.NF.1)


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Instructional Tasks


These tasks can be used with small group or whole group instruction.

  • Jon used inches to measure the how high the chalk/marker ledge is off of the ground. Sean used centimeters to measure the height.  Who used more units to measure, Jon or Sean? With a partner, estimate how high you think the ledge is from the ground in inches and centimeters. Next, measure the height with your partner in inches and in centimeters.  How close were your estimates?  Which unit used more units to measure? Why?
  • Find three items to measure in your classroom. Draw a picture in your journal of the object and record the measurement of the object using two different units. What do you notice about the size of the unit and the number of units to measure?
  • Measure the length of your classroom in feet and then again in yards. Looking at the results, do you see a numerical relationship between both measurements? 
  • Estimate the length of your classroom in feet and in meters. Which estimate is bigger and why? Now measure the classroom using both units and compare your results with your estimate.
  • Measure the length of the blackboard (whiteboard/etc.) in feet and then in inches. Which measurement unit has the larger number? Why is that? Which measurement unit makes most sense to use for this activity?
  • Explain how a meter and a yard are alike and how they are different.



 These links are HCPSS created instructional tasks. These tasks are provided in Google slides.  These tasks should be used for inspiration and resources, but instruction should start with students having the opportunity to engage with the math first (often involving physical and/or visual models) followed by discussion and explicit instruction to ensure student understanding.



Additional Tasks 

These links provide instructional ideas connected to this standard. 



Tasks From Print Resources

These publications have been provided for each school. They are typically stored in team closets or the media center. Check with your team leader if you cannot find them. 

Print Resources
Book Thumbnail Book Title Grade Pages
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics K-3

231 (Changing Units, Activity 8.6)
228 (Longer, Shorter, Same, Activity 8.1)
229 (Length (or Unit) Hunt, Activity 8.2)
229 (Crooked Paths, Activity 8.3)
Crooked Paths Links to an external site. BLM
230 (How Long is the Teacher?, Activity 8.4)
231 (Guess and Measure, Activity 8.5)
233 (More Than One Way, Activity 8.7)


Hands-On Standards

1-2 104-105 (Nonstandard Units)
Groundworks: Reasoning About Measurement 2 8-14 (Whose Pencil?)

Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics

2-3 86-88 (Measure Mania)

Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics

K-1 100-102 (Which is Longer?)
103-105 (Measure it!)
106-107 (Ordering Lengths)
108-110 (How Far?)
114-116 (How Long?)
117-120 (Going on a Measurement Hunt)
Read It, Draw It, Solve It 2 91
NumberSENSE 1-2 40-43 (How Long is a Handful)

Math In Practice

Teaching Second-Grade Math

2 Module 10





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Independent Work


These print resources can be used during independent or center time. These resources could also be used as lesson seeds.




 These resource sheets can be used for independent practice, homework, or assessment. They are intended to reinforce procedures and concepts. They should not be used as a source of direct instruction or whole-group practice.



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Full Standard

Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen.


Measurement Topic

The standard is reported on the report card through these measurement topics. Expand the measurement topic for a description of what students who meet expectation are able to do.


2nd Grade Students Learning 2nd Grade Standards by Measurement Topic

Demonstrates understanding of measurement concepts

Quarter 3

  • Measure an object with two different units of length (i.e. inches and feet)
  • Explain how measurement is affected by the size of a unit of length (i.e. inches are smaller than feet which means more inches are needed to measure an object than feet.)


1st Grade Students Learning 2nd Grade Standards by Measurement Topic

Demonstrates understanding of measurement concepts

Quarter 3

  • Measure an object with two different units of length (i.e. inches and feet)
  • Explain how measurement is affected by the size of a unit of length (i.e. inches are smaller than feet which means more inches are needed to measure an object than feet.


2MD2 Anecdotal Data Collection Tool Links to an external site.

Visit the SBIR (Standards Based Instruction and Reporting) page in Course Essentials for more information and clarification. 


Rubric (for thinking and reasoning evidence)

Use this rubric for observation and constructed responses (tasks that require explanation, justification, and/or representation).

Screenshot 2023-06-12 104305.png

Rubric for Tasks (pdf) Links to an external site.


Exemplars for this standard (if available)

These samples are examples of what it might look like for a student who MEETS EXPECTATIONS, is MAKING PROGRESS, and/or is MAKING LIMITED/NO PROGRESS.



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