5g1 More Geometry Ideas

In a Pinch

  • Copy a pinch card for each of your students – you will need one page for every three students.

  • Discuss the meaning of the vocabulary words (coordinate plane, x axis, y axis, and ordered pair). Elicit from the students their understanding of the vocabulary.

  • Distribute the pinch cards with coordinate plane, x axis, y axis, and ordered pair. Teacher reads one of the definitions to the class. Have students pinch the word you are defining.

  • Alternatively, give the students the pinch card with the definitions on it and ask them to pinch the vocabulary word when the definitions are read.

Magnet Fun

  • Gather a large piece of grid paper, enough magnets for each student, and one index card for each student.

  • Label the grid paper with the x and y axis and appropriate numbering to represent the coordinate grid for quadrant I.

  • Distribute the index cards and magnets to students.

  • Ask each student to write a coordinate pair on their index card. For example, (3,7)

  • Students should trade cards with another student.

  • Students should come up to the board and place their magnet on the grid paper to match the coordinate pair on their current index card.