Measurement Topics and Instructional Standards Crosswalk
This file aligns instructional standards with the measurement topic that they roll up to. It also identifies the instructional quarter that each measurement topic is reported.
Mathematics Measurement Topics Crosswalk Links to an external site.
Report Card Comments Bank by Quarter
This is the collection of prepared report card comments in Synergy. Teachers can use these comments and/or write their own. Reminder: A comment is needed for students learning standards from the next grade.
Mathematics Report Card Bank Links to an external site.
SBIR Canvas Course
This course houses a collection of SBIR information including directions for using the Canvas grade book, SBIR FAQs, and other resources.
SBIR Family Canvas Course
This course houses a collection of resources to help parents understand Standards Based Instruction and Reporting.
SBIR CANVAS COSBIR Family Canvas Course
August SBIR Professional Learning Session
These slides will be August 23rd.
How can I collect evidence of student understanding?
- Observe students during instruction, while they use centers, or while they play games
- Evaluate written work
What can I Use to collect evidence of student understanding?
- Any item found on the Independent Work tab can be used to collect evidence
- Teacher-created items
- Anecdotal notes (Folder containing all grade level Anecdotal Data Collection Tools) Links to an external site.)
- Observation of students working on centers and games from the Independent Work tab
- Items from Module/Canvas assessments that align to this standard
- You do not need to grade all of the evidence you collect.
- If a student's work is inconclusive, get more evidence of the individual. You don't need to reassess the entire class.
- Some evidence with be evaluated using the rubric. Other evidence will use percentages.
- The assessments provided by the mathematics office should not be the only evidence used for grading and should not be valued more greatly than other data points.
- Report card comments: Students learning standards from the next grade level must have a comment that stating that. Students with an L must get a comment about their performance in that measurement topic.