The Sound of Numbers
Kindergarten Mathematics
The Sound of Numbers
Standards: K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.2, K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.NBT.1, 1.NBT.C.4, 1.NBT.C.5, 1.NBT.C.6
The Sounds of Numbers Routine will support the development of number quantities. When executing this routine, the goal is for the students to solve the amount mentally. The teacher will have the students close their eyes and listen for the cubes being dropped into the container. The teacher will drop a cube into the container one at a time until they reach the amount desired. Giving the students the opportunity to listen and count what is being dropped; as appropriate, give students the opportunity to add/subtract what is being dropped. Once the teacher has dropped the whole quantity, the students will identify the total. Once the possible answer has been shared aloud, the teacher will have the students share how they came up with that amount. It is important for students to hear the different strategies.
Possible Questions:
- What amount/sum/difference did you come up with?
- What strategies did you use to keep track of the amount?
- How is your strategy similar to ___'s strategy?
- How is your strategy different from ___'s strategy?
- What is one more/less than the amount?
This routine was developed by Graham Fletcher ( Links to an external site.). There are three videos on his webpage, each modeling a different way to use this routine depending on the grade-level and your students' needs. Choose the most appropriate model of this routine for your math students. The following link will connect you to this routine on Graham Fletcher's webpage: The Sounds Of Numbers Links to an external site.