Domain-Specific Resources

Kindergarten Mathematics

Domain-Specific Resources

Student Facing Mobile Apps


The following apps are suggestions to support the Counting and Cardinality and Numbers in Base Ten domains. These can be used for teacher demonstration and guided instruction instruction or student-facing activities, centers, and independent practice. Many of these apps are free; please note that HCPSS does not provide funds for purchasing apps

Counting and Cardinality

Numbers in Base Ten 


Internet Resources

Download Icon

Links to a variety of student-facing games, aligned to Counting and Cardinality and Numbers in Base Ten standards, can be found on these documents. Download the documents by selecting KCC Web Games or NBT Web Games.



KCC Vocab Cards.png

Counting and Cardinality

Vocabulary for the Counting and Cardinality domain includes:


Numbers in Base Ten


Vocabulary for the Place Value / Base Ten domain includes:


Ready Rosie

ready_rosie.jpegThe following videos are aligned to Maryland's College and Career-Ready Counting and Cardinality and Numbers in Base Ten Standards and can be used as a tool to share collaborative learning opportunities with parents and families. Use the Playlist tab to create custom messages, select videos aligned to instruction, and schedule when you want to send them. 


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