Exit Ticket
Kindergarten Mathematics
Closure: Exit Ticket
Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In her book, Mathematical Mindsets, Jo Boaler says, "An exit ticket is a piece of paper that you give to students at the end of class that asks them to talk about their learning in the class. Before they leave the room, they complete the ticket and give it to you. This is another time for students to reflect, helping their learning and giving the teacher really valuable information on students' learning and ideas for the next lesson." This closure activity can be combined with My Favorite No, 4 Corners, Traffic Light or Snowball.
Possible Questions for Discussion
- What strategy did you use?
- Is this a reasonable answer?
- Does anyone want to revise their answer?
- How were you sure your answer was right?
- Is there another way to solve this problem?
- How are these two solutions similar? How are they different? or How is your solution similar to/different from your partner's solution?
- Does this always work?
- Is there another possible answer? If so, explain.
- What is/was your estimate?
- What tools will help you?
- What did not work?
- What would you do differently (or again) if you were faced with a problem like this in the future?