KOAA5 About the Math, Learning Targets, and Opportunities for Enrichment
Kindergarten Mathematics Addition and Subtraction
Full Standard
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Learning Targets (I can)
- Add to 5.
- Subtract within 5.
About the Math
When students count, they are focusing on counting objects not understanding the relationship that one number has to another. So when counting on and counting back, teachers need to be explicit in what that means. How is five related to four? It is one more than four. How is four related to three? It is one less than three. There is a difference in saying "two more than" from "comes two counts after". This understanding will help students as they become fluent with the facts to five and then ten (first grade). If students understand one and two more and one and two less, this will help when learning the facts. Problems that ask students to use one/two more and one/two less help reinforce development of fluency (see VandeWall on the preferred activities tab).
Quick recall of basic facts helps us with more complex ideas about math. Developing quick recall takes time. Basic fact instruction cannot be confined to timed-tests and flashcards. In fact, timed-tests must be limited due to the negative impact they can have on many students. For this reason, w e have chosen not to include explicit instruction on fluency, but instead recognize that students will develop fluency as they work with other addition and subtraction standards.
Progression of this Standard Across Grades
This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.
Grade 1 |
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