Reflection Time

Kindergarten Mathematics

Closure: Reflection Time

Standards for Mathematical Practices:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

mathematical mindset.jpeg

In this closure activity, students reflect on their learning using questions provided by their teacher.  Students record their ideas in their math journal or on a piece of notebook paper.


Questions could include: (from Jo Boaler's Mathematical Mindsets)

  1. What did I learn today?
  2. What did I do well today?
  3. How can I use what I learned today?
  4. What questions do I have about what I learned today?
  5. What new ideas did the lesson make me think about?


Possible Questions for Discussion:

  1. What ideas have we explored before that were useful in class today?
  2. Where else would this strategy be useful?
  3. Did you notice any patterns?  If so, describe them.
  4. What tools were helpful to you in class today?  Explain how they helped.
  5. How could you test your solution to see if it answers the problem?
  6. What would you do differently (or again) if you were faced with a problem like this in the future?