Standards for Mathematical Practices
Kindergarten Mathematics
Standards for Mathematical Practices
The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe the behaviors of Mathematically Proficient Students. The "practices" describe varieties of expertise that mathematics teachers at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education.
Possible "I can" statements for SMPs
- I can solve problems in different ways without giving up.
- I can think about numbers in many ways.
- I can explain my thinking and listen to others’ thinking.
- I can show my thinking.
- I can use tools and know when to use them.
- I can use correct words and check my work.
- I can look for patterns.
- I can use shortcuts that I understand.
- Full Description of Practices Download Full Description of Practices (pdf)
- Child-Friendly Standards for Mathematical Practices Download Child-Friendly Standards for Mathematical Practices (pdf)
- Another Version of Classroom Posters Download Another Version of Classroom Posters *NEW* (RESA School District Wayne, MI)
- Additional Version of Classroom Posters Download Additional Version of Classroom Posters (The Math Learning Center)
- Parent-Friendly Standards for Mathematical Practices Download Parent-Friendly Standards for Mathematical Practices (pdf)
- HCPSS Standards for Mathematical Practices Look-Fors Download HCPSS Standards for Mathematical Practices Look-Fors (pdf)
- Abbreviated Walkthrough Tool SMPs Download Abbreviated Walkthrough Tool SMPs
Practice #1: Make Sense of Problems and Persevere In Solving Them
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #2: Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #3: Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #4: Model with Mathematics
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #5: Use Appropriate Tools Strategically
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #6: Attend to Precision
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #7: Look For and Make Use of Structure
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Practice #8: Look For and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning
Students: | Because Teachers: |
Other Standards for Mathematical Practices Resources