Grade 1 • Mathematics • Number Concepts
Number Concepts Vocabulary
- Place Value: the value of the place of the digit in a number
- Digit: a symbol used to show a number
- Greater Than: (>) a symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number listed first (Example: 8 > 6)
- Less Than: (<) a symbol used to compare two numbers, with the lesser number given first (Example: 6 < 9)
- Equal To: (=) having the same value
- Add: to join together sets to find the total or sum
- Sum: the answer to an addition problem
- Subtract: to find the difference when two groups are compared or to find out how many are left when items are taken away from a group
- Difference: the answer to a subtraction or comparison problem
Number Concepts Activities
- Count objects such as jellybeans in a bowl, pennies in a jar, cheerios in a baggie, etc.
- Estimate and then count a given number of objects.
- Find numbers in newspapers, magazines, or on items around the house.
- Practice counting forwards and backwards starting at any given number within 120 while doing various activities-driving in the car, jumping rope, waiting in line at a store, etc.
- Divide a deck of cards evenly between players. Each player flips over a card, the player with the highest card wins the cards. Continue until one player has all cards in the deck.
- Put different items into groups and talk about which group has more or less items using the terms greater than and less than.
- Roll dice and create numbers. Say what is 10 more or 10 less than that number.
- Play "20 Questions" and try to guess a mystery number within 120. (Example: Does your number have 3 digits? Is your number greater than 56?)
- Count a number of objects and put them in a cup or bag. Then place more objects beside the cup or bag and continue counting. (Example: With 10 pennies in a cup, start counting on 11 and continue.)
- Play board games that involve counting such as Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. Encourage and remind your child to remember that the space he/she is currently on does not get counted twice. Discuss why that would not be helpful in winning the game.