Grade 2 • Social Studies Resources

Grade 2 Social Studies



The Howard County School System provides elementary students with databases to assist them in research and learning. To access these databases, please enter via, and click on MackinVia. Use your Active Directory to log in. Once in MackinVia, click on databases. 

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TeachingBooks - Enrich the reading experience for all students with this curated collection of readings and author interviews, videos, lesson plans, vocabulary resources, and more. 

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Encyclopedia Britannica ImageQuest - Provides access to over two million images that can be used by both teachers and students. Includes images from the National Portrait Gallery, the Chicago History Museum, National Geographic Society, and PlanetObserver.

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Encyclopedia Britannica School - Provides encyclopedia articles on a variety of subjects with film clips, interactive learning games, photo galleries, journal articles, web sites, and maps.


CultureGrams - Introduces the daily customs and lifestyle of cultures all over the world, as well as to their political, geographic, and economic structure.


 (Links to an external site.)Gale in Context Elementary research (formerly Kids InfoBits) - Designed especially for K-5 students, this tool lets you explore a variety of topics ranging from animals to social studies through articles, videos, colorful pictures, and more.


Description:NationNaGale in Context Elementary research (formerly Kids InfoBits) - 

National Geographic Explorer Magazine - Students at all reading levels are inspired by the National Geographic tradition of storytelling, exploration, and stunning photography in Explorer magazine. Explorer comes in six editions (K–5/6), each developed to meet students at their level. The digital version of the magazine features read-aloud text, games, and pop-up vocabulary. Each level of the digital version of Explorer magazine is fully translated into Spanish, including all maps, read-aloud text, videos and games.


Pebble Go - PebbleGo databases make learning and improving reading and research skills fun, building on children’s interest. Also includes read-along audio, word-by-word highlighting and simple navigation.

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True Flix - Provides access to interactive materials and a collection of eBooks from the "True Books" series from Scholastic.



TumbleBook Library
TumbleBooks are interactive picture books that children in grades K-6 can read or have read to them. Includes books in Spanish and French as well as graphic novels and math stories. 



With our A+ Partnership with the Howard County Public Library, we are able to combine our resources to give our students and families access to the best online resources. For easy access, please enter via and click on HC Library. Use your Active Directory to log in. 


BookFLIX – Stories for Children - BookFLIX pairs fiction video books with nonfiction Scholastic eBooks to build a love of readiing while reinforcing necessary skills.

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 International Children’s Digital Library - Provides access to international children’s literature, with books available online in 55 languages.


Little Pim -  (Links to an external site.)Expose young children up to age 6 to foreign languages with these brief video vocabulary lessons in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and Hebrew.


MUZZY Online - Developed by the BBC and published by Early Advantage, MUZZY Online creates a total learning environment using a unique multimedia mix of stories, songs, and interactive activities that immerses the child in a second language. MUZZY Online is currently available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Korean, and English.


National Geographic Kids - includes National Geographic Kids magazine 2009-present (3-month embargo), 200 National Geographic Kids books, 500 kid-friendly, downloadable images

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NoveList K-8
Find book suggestions for students in grades K – 8. Browse book lists by genre, discover read-alikes, and see award winners.


Storyline Online
The Screen Actors Guild Foundation records well-known actors reading children’s books and makes graphically dynamic videos so that children around the world can be read to with just the click of a Storyline Online video book image.


TumbleBook Library
TumbleBooks are interactive picture books that children in grades K-6 can read or have read to them. Includes books in Spanish and French as well as graphic novels and math stories.      

Activities and Games

Books/Resources for Parents