Grade 2 • Visual Art How to Support Your Child

Grade 2 Visual Art

How To Support Your Child

At this grade level, students are learning how to read and form sentences.  Reading books with a lot of illustrations will help your child make connections between words and images.  Books will enhance imaginative skills and will help when it comes time for them to create art.  Children at this stage are developing new or personal ideas and it is important that they utilize their tactile experiences with materials to express their thoughts with imagery.

Reading, playing, and creating enhances cognitive skills for learning:

  • Stay up to date with events at your local library.
  • Ask questions: “Why did the artist do that?”

            “What do you think about the book?”

            “Why kinds of shapes, colors, and pictures caught your attention?”

  • Keep playing and exploring: Be resourceful and use found or recycled objects to build a sculpture.
  • Take a field trip to an art museum.  Most museums have child-centered activities like scavenger hunts, mini-work shops where kids can make art related to a theme, or tours that allow for exploration that would be of interest.
  • Children love to paint - set up a painting station in your house for your child to try out painting; provide paints and large handled brushes for them to try out.
  • Allow your child to experiment.
  • Celebrate your child’s artwork – hang their drawings on the wall or save it in a folder.  That way, your child feels that their creation is important.