Grade 2 • Mathematics • Number Concepts

Grade 2 Mathematics

Number Concepts

Number Concepts Vocabulary

  • Skip Count: to count in equal increments by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, or 10s
  • Expanded Form: a way of writing numbers to show place value (Example: 346 = 300 + 40 + 6)
  • Numeral: a symbol used to represent a number

Number Concepts Activities 

  • Skip count when counting groups of nickels and dimes.
  • Count in a pattern while doing a rhythmic or repeated task – stirring pancake batter, brushing hair, putting away groceries, walking.
  • Represent two digit numbers with popsicle sticks - make bundles of ten for the tens and use single sticks for the ones.
  • Roll dice to make two or three digit numbers with a partner. See who can make the larger number.
  • Add all of the digits of your house number together.
  • Compare prices of various items (gas, toys, etc) to find the lowest amount.
  • Make numbers or find numbers on labels and compare them.
  • Find or roll numbers and write them in expanded form.
  • Find or roll numbers and tell which place value each digit represents.

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