Performs a teacher-directed dance with minimal prompting from teacher or peers.
Dribbles in general space with both hands and feet while maintaining control of ball and body.
Catches a gently tossed ball from a partner.
Strikes an object using a short-handled implement (i.e. racquet).
Concepts and Strategies
Recognizes the concepts of open space while in physical activity.
Applies simple strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
Physical Activity and Fitness
Describes the concept of fitness and provides examples of physical activities to enhance fitness.
Demonstrates, with teacher assistance, the health-related components of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance).
Personal and Social Behavior
Praises others for their success in physical activity.
Recognizes the role of rules, safety, and etiquette in physical activity with peers.
Recognizes Value of Physical Activity
Discusses the similarities between physical activity and good health.
Reflects on the reasons why physical activity is enjoyable.