Grade 3 • Physical Education What Your Child Will Learn

Grade 3 Physical Education

What Your Child Will Learn

What Your Child Will Learn

Motor Skills and Movement Patterns

  • Leaps in a mature pattern.
  • Performs a teacher-directed dance with minimal prompting from teacher or peers.
  • Dribbles in general space with both hands and feet while maintaining control of ball and body.
  • Catches a gently tossed ball from a partner.
  • Strikes an object using a short-handled implement (i.e. racquet).

Concepts and Strategies

  • Recognizes the concepts of open space while in physical activity.
  • Applies simple strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.

Physical Activity and Fitness

  • Describes the concept of fitness and provides examples of physical activities to enhance fitness.
  • Demonstrates, with teacher assistance, the health-related components of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance).

Personal and Social Behavior

  • Praises others for their success in physical activity.
  • Recognizes the role of rules, safety, and etiquette in physical activity with peers.

Recognizes Value of Physical Activity

  • Discusses the similarities between physical activity and good health.
  • Reflects on the reasons why physical activity is enjoyable.