Grade 3 • Media How to Support Your Child

Grade 3 Media

How to Support Your Child

How to Support Your Child


  • Read as often as possible with your child. Help your child use different ways to read unfamiliar words by saying:
    • What would make sense in the sentence?
    • What parts of the word do you recognize?
    • Think about the sounds for the letters in the word.
    • Look at the pictures for clues to the word.
  • Talk about books before, during, and after reading. Ask what might happen. Think about the characters and events. Discuss words and pictures the author included that made reading fun or interesting.
  • Encourage your child to independently read at least 25 books annually.
  • Have spelling resources for your child to use at home (personal spelling journal, children’s dictionary).
  • Provide an area for writing with materials and resources (pencils, markers, erasers, different types of paper, envelopes).
  • Encourage your child to use spelling strategies and patterns that have been learned.
  • Assist your child in planning and organizing ideas before beginning to write. Help your child refer to his or her plan when writing. Encourage your child to include relevant information, details, and descriptive words.
  • Offer suggestions about the ideas and details in the writing before correcting spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
  • Establish a routine at home for reading.
  • Read an action story or tale of adventure to replace an evening TV program.
  • Be a role model. Let your child see you read for pleasure.
  • Practice using the Super3 model for problem solving everyday life situations.
  • Utilize your child's A+ Student card or obtain a library card for your child, and schedule regular family visits to the library.
  • Encourage your child to participate in age-appropriate activities sponsored by the public library.
  • Look for computer programs that encourage reading.