Grade 4 • Music How to Support Your Child

Grade 4 Music

How to Support Your Child

Music is a wonderful way for families to connect and spend time together!  Here are some strategies to help set your child up for success in the music classroom.

  • Encourage your child to participate in school chorus.
  • If your child expresses particular interest, allow him or her to take private lessons on an instrument and to elect instrumental music at school.
  • If your child expresses particular interest, provide opportunities for him or her to participate in outside musical groups, orchestras, community theater, and summer camps.
  • Encourage your child to create movements that illustrate recognition of the elements of music in familiar songs and recorded examples.
  • Ask your child to explain and demonstrate the music symbols used in the school music class.
  • Attend concerts by a local high school band, symphony orchestra, or other instrumental ensemble and discuss the grouping of instruments based on how sound is produced (brass, woodwind, strings, percussion).