Grade K • Instructional Technology What Your Child Will Learn

Grade K Instructional Technology

What Your Child Will Learn

Empowered Learner

  • Identify parts of a computer and its peripherals: desktop, laptop, monitor/screen, mouse/trackpad, keyboard, headphones/speakers, microphone, camera/webcam, printer, power adapter.
  • Identify parts of a tablet device - i.e., screen, home button, volume buttons, headphone port, camera, power button, microphone speakers, connector port.
  • Use mouse/trackpad to point, select/click, double click, move cursor, drag & drop, and highlight
  • Use home button and touchscreen to open & close apps, navigate pages & folders
  • Use tablet touchscreen to select/tap, drag & drop, highlight, move cursor
  • Files & folders - Open, close, and save files
  • Log-in & Logout to the computer
  • Open applications
  • Use and adjust volume control
  • Use special function keys: delete/backspace, shift, space, return/enter, arrow keys
  • Complete a teacher-assigned template
  • Open a hyperlink.
  • Navigate a website - i.e., scrollbar, arrow keys, gestures
  • Use basic navigation buttons - back, forward, home refresh, stop
  • Select shapes or graphics to represent ideas. (Search through categories to find an image.)
  • Within a graphic organizer or web tool show relationships by adding or modifying color, shapes, and size, sorting, adding or modifying links and arrows.
  • Edit, add, or label information on an existing organizer
  • Develop an understanding of appropriate keyboarding positions.

Digital Citizen

  • Identify what information is safe to share online.
  • Understand the importance of being safe, responsible and respectful online.
  • Identify various digital devices that connect to the Internet
  • Compare and contrast online friends and real-life, face-to-face friends.

Knowledge Constructor

  • Identify, obtain, and use information from electronic data sources such as databases and the Internet.
  • Solve real-world problems using technology as a tool. Make informed decisions using technology as a tool.

Innovative Designer

  • Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Computational Thinker

  • Identify how coding is used in my life.
  • Break down a problem into 2 parts.
  • Identify patterns.
  • Create a sequence to reach a goal.

Creative Communicator

  • Use word processing software to create and print documents.
  • Use a graphics program to create an original picture.
  • Create a document that includes words and pictures.
  • Use a graphing program, with assistance, to construct tables and graphs.
  • Create a multimedia presentation using various features (such as text and images).
  • Recognize technology’s role in telecommunication.
  • Communicate ideas or information using technology.
  • Use various media and formats for multiple purposes.
  • Work as a team using different roles.

Global Collaborator

  • Understand there are various means of communication that we use with our friends.
  • Complete a page on a kindergarten Google site that will allow them to share about themselves as well as learn about others in their class/school.
  • Understand that their kindergarten class constitutes a team that works together.
  • Understand the existence of different cultures with the school and the community.
Revised: 12/2022