Grade K • Physical Well-Being and Motor Development How to Support Your Child

Grade K Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

How To Support YOur Child

The future health and well-being of a child is directly related to the physical well-being and playwithchild.jpgmotor development of the child. Fine and gross motor skills impact the ability of a child to attend to academic instruction, participate in gross motor activities with peers which promotes social foundation skills, participate in fine motor activities throughout his/her school day (writing, drawing, painting, cutting etc.), and increasing self-confidence by increasing independence with self-care tasks (taking coat on/off, hanging up belongings on a hook, putting papers in a cubbie, opening lunch items etc.). Providing opportunities for your child to participate in gross and fine motor skills promotes a strong solid foundation in motor development.

Tips for Fine Motor Development

A stronger core will reduce fatigue during writing activities. A stronger core can help children develop stronger shoulders and arms. This can then support hand development and finger strength. Suggested activities to help strengthen each area can be found below.


  • Superman pose (on stomach, on floor with arms and legs lifted off the ground)
  • Rolling up like a ball (lay on back, bring legs and arms into stomach, wrapping arms around legs, and bring head into knees)
  • Swinging on playground swings
  • Balancing on an exercise ball (while holding onto to adult)
  • Riding a tricycle


  • Crawling through an obstacle course (such as through a tunnel or under the table or around chairs)
  • Stretching arms out wide with an exercise band
  • Row Row Your Boat Hold each other's hands, while facing each other, and push and pull back and forth


  • Lifting heavy objects (i.e., bag of rice, box of toys, crate of books)
  • Vacuuming (push and pull – with an adult!)
  • Setting the table (pushing in/pulling out chairs at the table, carrying things to the table)
  • Pushing cars around a big track or dining room table while on hands and knees


  • Using sidewalk chalk
  • Using a squirt bottle
  • Playing with squirt toys (bath/pool toys)
  • Playing with Play-doh or clay (roll the Play-doh to form shapes and different letters)
  • Using clothespins
  • Cutting with scissors (old cards/newspapers/paint sample cards from home improvement stores)
  • Drawing/painting at an easel or with paper on a wall
  • Holding the hose to water plants, flowers, or the grass
  • Writing/drawing with your index finger in sand, flour, shaving cream, sugar etc.
  • Building structures with blocks or Legos

Tips for Gross Motor Development

  • Play outside with your child.
  • Visit a playground, swing, climb, slide, etc.
  • Go swimming, or play in the snow.
  • Play games that require different types of movement (such as running, jumping, hoping, skipping etc.).
  • Play games with balls, allow your child to kick, throw, and catch.
  • Dance.
  • Sing songs such as "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and other movement songs.
  • Make an obstacle course.

Tips for Self Care

Allow your child to increase their independence in everyday activities.

  • Have your child attempt to put their coat or shoes on by themselves.
  • Allow your child to pick out their own clothes.
  • Decrease the amount of help you give your child when getting them dressed (e.g, let him button and zip his pants).
  • Allow your child to help brush their teeth (e.g., squeeze the tooth paste, put the tooth brush into the holder).
  • Have your child help with chores (e.g., let your child put laundry from the washing machine into the dryer, or from the dryer into a basket, push the laundry basket from one location to the next; let your child help set the table, or clean up after a meal; have your child water plants, or feed a pet; allow your child to help you vacuum, sweep, or mop).
  • Have your child clean their room by putting their toys/things away and make the bed.
  • Help your child learn to tie their shoes.