Computation Strategies

Text GT-4 Computation Strategies

Students in G/T-4 build fluency with the standard algorithm for multiplication, connecting the algorithm to strategies learned earlier, and continue developing proficiency with dividing multi-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations, leading to the use of the standard algorithm to fluently divide multi-digit numbers.  In addition, from the start of the year students are expected to fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.  The tabs identify key strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multi-digit numbers, and provide links to documents that fully describe and illustrate these strategies.


Multiplication Strategies Based on Place Value and Properties of Operations

Fluency is grounded in understanding.  Developing an understanding of the algorithm for multi-digit multiplication involves connecting physical and visual models to numeric representations.  The learning targets for 5.NBT.5 identify the tools, models, and strategies that students should use to build fluency with multiplication:


  • Use partial products to multiply multi-digit numbers.
  • Connect partial products to the standard algorithm for multiplication.


For full descriptions and illustrations of these strategies, download the file linked below:

Break Apart by Addends or Factors Links to an external site.

Partial Products Links to an external site.

Halve and Double Links to an external site.

Compensation Links to an external site.

Standard Algorithm Links to an external site.


Division Strategies Based on Place Value and Properties of Operations

Fluency is grounded in understanding.  Developing an understanding of multi-digit division involves connecting physical and visual models to numeric representations.  The learning targets for 5.NBT.6 adn 6.NS.2 identify the following tools, models, and strategies that students should use to build fluency with division:


  • Represent division of multi-digit whole numbers with base ten models (equal groups) and arrays/area models.
  • Relate division of multi-digit numbers to multiplication of those numbers.
  • Connect representations to a partial quotient algorithm.
  • Use partial quotients to divide multi-digit whole numbers.
  • Explain partial quotients.


For full descriptions and illustrations of these strategies, download the file linked below:

Partial Quotients, One-Digit Divisor Links to an external site.

Partial Quotients, Two-Digit Divisor Links to an external site.

Think Multiplication, One-Digit Divisor Links to an external site.

Think Multiplication, Two-Digit Divisor Links to an external site.

Standard Algorithm Links to an external site.


Addition Strategies Based on Place Value and Properties of Operation

Fluency is grounded in understanding. Developing an understanding of the algorithm for multi-digit addition involves connecting physical and visual models to numeric representations.  The fourth grade curriculum requires students to use a variety of tools, models, and strategies that students to build fluency with addition:


  • Use number lines to add multi-digit numbers
  • Add multi-digit numbers using partial sums
  • Adjust multi-digit numbers to add (pictured)
  • Explain and connect strategies for adding to the standard algorithm
  • Add multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
  • Determine when an algorithm is efficient and when it is not


For full descriptions and illustrations of these strategies, download the file linked below:

Count On Links to an external site.

Make Ten Links to an external site.

Make Hundred Links to an external site.

Partial Sums Links to an external site.

Compensation Links to an external site.

Standard Algorithm Links to an external site.


Subtraction Strategies Based on Place Value and Properties of Operations

Fluency is grounded in understanding.  Developing an understanding of the algorithm for multi-digit subtraction involves connecting physical and visual models to numeric representations.  The fourth grade curriculum requires students to use a variety of tools, models, and strategies that students to build fluency with subtraction:


  • Use number lines to subtract multi-digit numbers
  • Subtract multi-digit numbers using partial differences by adding up or counting back (pictured)
  • Adjust multi-digit numbers to subtract
  • Explain and connect strategies for subtracting to the standard algorithm for subtraction
  • Subtract multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
  • Determine when an algorithm is efficient and when it is not


For full descriptions and illustrations of these strategies, download the file linked below:

Count Back Links to an external site.

Compensation Links to an external site.

Think Addition, two-digit Links to an external site.

Think Addition, three-digit Links to an external site.

Standard Algorithm Links to an external site.