Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Use Maryland College and Career Ready Standards to plan instruction1
Allocate substantial instructional time for students to use, discuss, and make connections among representations3
- Balance instructional focus on conceptual understanding, procedural understanding and application of mathematics through all levels of Depth of Knowledge
- Use Canvas to plan standards based instruction and assessment
- Determine appropriate instructional structure for lesson
1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
- Incorporate students’ life experiences, strengths, and academic assets into planning
Anticipate student strategies and misconceptions 7
Prepare to support students productively7
- Leverage Universal Design for Learning
1c Setting Instructional Outcomes
- Connect mathematics learning through content progressions1
- Set instructional outcomes that are challenging and rigorous
- Apply mathematics to interdisciplinary content
1d Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
Select tasks with multiple entry points through varied tools and representations2
- Use a variety of Canvas resources for balanced instruction
- Work through tasks prior to instruction
- Use approved digital tools for mathematics instruction
1e Designing Coherent Instruction
- Form instructional groups that are heterogeneous and flexible
- Allot 75 minutes per day for mathematics instruction
- Plan for number routines, content specific instruction, and closure daily
- Differentiate instruction to meet individual student needs
1f Designing Student Assessments
Select tasks that make use of varied approaches, representations, and explanations or justifications2/3
- Assess students in a variety of ways including but not limited to paper/pencil, performance-based, interviews, observations, and computer-based
Determine evidence of student understanding8
- Balance assessment of concepts, procedures, and application
- Use assessment to inform instruction
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4a Reflecting on Teaching
Reflect on evidence of student learning to inform planning8
- Solicit and use feedback to refine mathematics instruction
4b Maintaining Accurate Records
- Use a system to house evidence of student understanding
- Review student data including MAP, MCAP, KRA, and teacher-selected assessments
- Use tools such as Mathematics Learning Behavior checklist or Parent Update Sheets
- Establish and monitor student and class goals
4c Communicating with Families
- Use district tools that share student progress and academic learning
- Use district tools, such as Canvas resources and Computational Fluency Brochures, to communicate mathematics content
- Support student communication of their mathematics learning
- Participate in school events that advance mathematics teaching and learning
4d Participating in the Professional Community
- Collaborate with colleagues to design daily and long-range plans
- Participate in data discussions to make instructional decisions
Actively engages in mathematics professional learning
4e Growing and Developing Professionally
- Pursue learning from professional organizations and resources
- Apply professional learning to mathematics instruction
- Commit to ongoing learning and growth
4f Showing Professionalism
- Communicate with asset-based language
- Participate in learning communities
- Shows positivity and enthusiasm for teaching and learning mathematics
- Advocate for equitable access to high-quality mathematics for all students
- Pursue mathematics leadership roles within the team, school or district
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
- Build rapport and understanding of each student as an individual
- Nurture positive mathematics student identities
- Build and maintain classroom community
- Provide opportunities for student collaboration such as partner talk, small group inquiry, and/or mathematics discussion groups
2b Establishing a Culture for Learning
- Foster the beauty, relevance, and purpose of mathematics
- Reinforce beliefs that each and every student is a doer of mathematics
Support students in exploring tasks without taking over student thinking2
Give students time for productive struggle7
Help students realize that confusion and errors are a natural part of learning7
Praise students for their efforts and perseverance as well as right answers7
2c Managing Classroom Procedures
- Establish routines, procedures, and expectations for mathematics instruction
- Establish opening number routines
- Promote efficient transitions that build student independence
- Establish procedures for closure
2d Managing Student Behavior
- Establish expectations for the classroom community
- Monitor and respond to student engagement
- Create opportunities for students to self-evaluate their participation and interaction within small groups and the classroom community
2e Organizing Physical Space
- Organize the classroom space for collaborative and independent learning
- Ensure students have familiarity with and consistent access to manipulatives, tools, and other mathematics instructional resources
- Provide activities and space for intentional mathematics activities including games, puzzles, and problem solving tasks for independent time and early finishers
- Make mathematics learning visible
Domain 3: Instruction
3a Communicating with Students
Use varied representations to support understanding3
Communicate mathematical purpose or goal of the lesson1
Make explicit connections to student approaches and reasoning4
- Use accurate mathematics vocabulary
3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Allow sufficient wait time5
Ask questions that build understanding rather than funnel student thinking5
Ask students to use representations to explain and justify their thinking or why their procedures worked 3/6
Engage each and every student in purposeful sharing of mathematical ideas, reasoning, and approaches4
Select, sequence, and connect student strategies4
- Position students as the authors of ideas4
3c Engaging Students in Learning
Pose tasks that require high cognitive demand2
Select tasks with multiple entry points which make use of varied tools or representations2
Encourage students to use varied strategies to make sense of and solve tasks2
Provide students with opportunities to use their own reasoning and methods for solving problems6
Provide opportunities for engaging practice for procedural fluency6
- Use technology to complement instruction
3d Using Assessment in Instruction
Gather evidence of student understanding during instruction8
Interpret evidence of student thinking8
Make in-the-moment decisions on how to respond to students with questions that probe, scaffold, and extend8
- Reflect on evidence of student learning to inform next steps8
3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
- Adjust pacing and structure of lesson as needed
- Adjust representations, tools, and/or tasks during instruction
- Provide opportunities to reteach or extend learning
- Implement accommodations for IEPs, 504, and/or ELL plans