First Week Task 3
Grade 4GT
First Week Performance Tasks: Doughnut Days
Materials needed
- Doughnut Days power point slides
- Calculators
- Chart paper- approximately 3 sheets per group
- Markers
Task description
This task gives students an opportunity to demonstrate their level of proficiency with multiplying and/or dividing in a problem situation, as well as their ability to reason abstractly and quantitatively when problem solving. Students will describe attributes of rows and columns in relationship to multiplication.
Task directions
- Number Routine (10 minutes): Picture It
- Problem Solving – in Groups (35 minutes)
- Use the power point slides for Doughnut Days.
- Allow students to work in groups of 3 ( 3 is optimal, 2 if necessary, never more than 4) to solve the problem.
- As students are solving the problem, take observation notes on the checklist provided on what strategies are being used and the SMPs that the students are demonstrating.
- Once students finish solving the task, have groups share. (15 minutes)
- Discuss student ideas and strategies as a whole group.
- Remind students that there may be many ways to find a solution to these tasks.
- Ask students to share strategies and solutions. Lead the discussion by asking other students if they agree or disagree with the other groups’ findings. Ask the groups to explain/justify their answers verbally.
- Closure: Ask students to share the SMPs their group demonstrated while solving this problem.
Suggested questions
- How did you get that answer?
- If you are stuck, what do you know so far?
- Is there another way to represent that answer?
- Could you solve the problem a different way?
- Is your answer reasonable? How do you know?
- What do you notice about the size of the large and small paper clip?
- Did solving one task help you with a different task?
Task guidance
Teacher should: |
Teacher should avoid: |
Anticipated strategies: |
Task resources
- Doughnut Days power point slides Download Doughnut Days power point slides
- Observation checklist Download Observation checklist
- Full teacher directions
Download Full teacher directions
4.OA.2 - Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, (e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison).