Four Corners

Grade 4 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Four Corners

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

In this closure activity, students answer a question and/or solve a problem presented by the teacher.  The teacher creates 4 categories for student answers and designates 1 corner of the classroom for each category.  Students go to the corner that best matches their answer/solution and discuss by comparing/contrasting their work.  Afterwards, the teacher can highlight a strategy from each corner or highlight a specific or unusual strategy they noticed to develop student understanding.


 Questions you could ask:

  1. Will your strategy still work if _______?
  2. Is that the only possible answer?
  3. Do you have a question for your partner?
  4. What you do notice about your partner's work?  What do you wonder about your partner's work?
  5. What is something you know won't work?
  6. Is there another way to explain that?
  7. How can you test your solution?
  8. Do you have a question about ______'s strategy/answer?


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