My Glow My Grow

Grade 4 G/T Mathematics
Closure - My Glow, My Grow

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

This closure activity allows students to reflect on what they felt confident with and what they need additional practice on. Students are given a small sheet of paper that has been divided in half, My Glow (math that student is confident using) and My Grow (math that the student identifies needing more support or practice with), so that they can write and/or draw on both sections. After reflection time, students gather as a group to share some of their My Glow/My Grow papers.  The teacher has the student stand in front of the class while the paper is presented.  The teacher celebrates the glow and provides a suggestion on how the student can work on the identified growth area.  The teacher assigns a student to collect the papers from the class, as a form of assessing the students and ways to plan future lessons and/or activities.

 Questions you could ask:

1. Was there a tool or strategy you used that helped you glow?
2. Is there something you need (practice with a strategy or tool) that could help you grow?
3. Has there been a different activity that you have done that helped you glow? What was it?
4. Is there a friend that feels they glow on this mathematical skill who like to work with (student sharing) tomorrow to support their growth?

  Download MyGlow:MyGrow BLM.docx


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