Self Assessment

Grade 4 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Self Assessment

Standards for Mathematical Practices:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

mathematical mindset-2.jpeg

In this closure activity, the teacher provides students with a statement or statements of what is being learned in math class.  Students reflect on these statements and indicate what they have learned and what they still need to work on.


For example:

Circle your answer below:



I can add using an open number line Yes No
I can add using base ten blocks   Yes No
I can add using break apart/partial sums  Yes No







I can multiply using an area model      I can do this by myself I can do this with some help I need some more help with this
I can multiply using partial products    I can do this by myself   I can do this with some help I need some more help with this  






Questions you could ask:

  1. Where would you go for help?
  2. Do you have a ___ (system, design, strategy)?  Explain.
  3. What questions do you have?
  4. What tools will help you?
  5. What is something you know won't work?
  6. Where have you seen something like this before?




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