Professional Reading
Selected readings on executive function, developmentally appropriate practice, pedagogy, early childhood development, and other related topics. Additional print materials on these topics are available for borrowing; please contact the Office of Early Childhood Programs for more information.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Anti-Bias Education
- Friedman, S. (2016). Resources to help you make a difference. The National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from Links to an external site.
- Hanover Research. (2017). Closing the gap: Creating equity in the classroom. Arlington, VA. Links to an external site.
- Isik-Ercan, Z. (2017). Culturally appropriate positive guidance with young children. Young Children, 72(1). Retrieved from Links to an external site. Links to an external site.. Links to an external site.
- National Association for the Education of Young Children. Anti-bias resources. Retrieved from Links to an external site.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2016). Early childhood expulsions and suspensions undermine our nation's most promising agent of opportunity and social justice. Princeton, NJ: Walter Gilliam. Links to an external site.
- Wanless, S.B. & Crawford, P.A. (2016). Reading your way to a culturally responsive classroom. Young Children, 71(2). 8-16. Links to an external site.
- Graue, E. (2011). Are we paving paradise? The Transition Years, 68(7). 12-17. Links to an external site.
- Ginsburg, K. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. The American Academy of Pediatrics, 119, 182-191. Links to an external site.
- Hassinger-Das, B., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Michnick Golinkoff, R. (2017). The case of brain science and guided play: A developing story. Young Children, 72(2). Retrieved from Links to an external site.
- MCT (2010, October 8). Outdoor Play Linked to Children's Mental Health. The Sidney Morning Herald. Links to an external site.
- Stegelin, D.A., Fite, K., & Wisneski, D. (2015). The critical place of play in education. US Play Coalition and the Association for Childhood Education International. Links to an external site.
- Stephens, K. (2009). Imaginative play during childhood: Required for reaching full potential. Exchange. 53-56. Links to an external site.
- Tough, P. (2009, September 27). Can the right kinds of play teach self-control? The New York Times. Links to an external site.
Social Emotional Foundations & Executive Function
- The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Children's Book List Download The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Children's Book List
- Flores, I.R. (2011). Developing young children's self-regulation through everyday experiences. Young Children, 66(4). 46-51. Links to an external site.
- Hanover Research (2017). Mental health and trama-informed programs and strategies. Arlington, VA. Links to an external site.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2015). How children's social skills impact success in adulthood. Princeton, NJ. Links to an external site.
- Shonkoff, J.P. & Phillips, D.A. (2000). Executive summary: From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early childhood development. National Academy of Sciences. Links to an external site.
- Tominey, S.L., O'Bryon, E.C., Rivers, S.E., & Shapses, S. (2017). Teaching emotional intelligence in early childhood. Young Children, 72(1). Retrieved from Links to an external site.
Early Literacy
- Head Start Early Learning and Knowledge Center, Department of Health and Human Services.The big picture: Alphabet knowledge and early writing. Washington D.C.. Links to an external site.
- Klass, Perry (2016, June 20). Why handwriting is still essential in the keyboard age. The New York Times. Links to an external site.
- Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators General Education Leadership Network Early Literacy Task Force (2016). Essential instructional practices in early literacy: K to 3. Lansing, MI. Links to an external site.
- Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators General Education Leadership Network Early Literacy Task Force (2016). Essential instructional practices in early literacy: Prekindergarten. Lansing, MI. Links to an external site.
Family Engagement
- Driskell, N. (2014). Racing to the top: promising practices in family engagement. FINE Newsletter, VI(4). Links to an external site.
- Guernsey, L. & Levine, M.H. (2017, April) How to bring early learning and family engagement into the digital age: An action agenda for city and community leaders. New America. Links to an external site.
- "Lowenberg, A. (2017). To help low-income children succeed, focus on the transition to kindergarten. Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity." Links to an external site.
- The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (2013). Family engagement in transitions: transition to kindergarten. Boston, MA. Links to an external site.
- Samuels, C.A. (2017). Payoffs seen in smooth transition to kindergarten. Retrieved from Education Week. Links to an external site.
Various Topics
- Boaler, J. and Chen, L. (2016). Why kids should use their fingers in math class. Retrieved from (Links to an external site) Links to an external site.
- Early Childhood Research and Practice Article Database Links to an external site.
- Fox, N.A. (2015). How can neuroscience inform policy and practice in early childhood? [PowerPoint slides]. Maryland Early Childhood Care and Research Forum. Links to an external site.
- U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology (2016). Policy brief on early learning and use of technology. Washington, D.C.. Links to an external site.
- WIDA: Wisconsin Center for Education Research (2014). Focus on the early years: Dual language learners. Madison, WI: Author. Links to an external site.
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