Pre-K Core Components FAQ
Is “snack” a part of the Pre-K schedule?
The snack portion of the day, while not required in Pre-K, is highly encouraged in RECC classrooms to work on communication, social, math, literacy, and self-care skills. Children have repeated opportunities to make choices, request, comment, wait, and share. Depending on the program, some children will bring snacks from home while others have snacks provided to them by staff. If teams incorporate snack, this takes the place of a meal (i.e., breakfast or lunch) and vice versa.
For full day Pre-K or 4-hour programs, lunch time must be provided. Lunches may be provided by home or purchased through the cafeteria.
Are children allowed to play in pre-k?
Play is a critical component of the prekindergarten program, supports transfer of learning and allows teachers to facilitate learning Links to an external site. in an authentic, child-friendly setting.
Centers are:
- a core component of the early childhood program;
- included in the daily schedule; and,
- not "earned" or used as a reward or punishment.
Please see the Connect4Learning page for more information.
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