Pre-K Reduction/Increases
Reduction in Classrooms
If classroom numbers go down, schools are responsible for storing all items purchased by Early Childhood Programs; this includes, but is not limited to: curriculum kits and materials, furniture such as sand tables, kitchen items, blocks, etc. These items can be divvied up across the team and should not leave your building. In the event a classroom is added back, the items should be easily retrievable in order to furnish and supply the additional classroom. Early Childhood Programs will not fund a “new” classroom unless one has not been recently added to a school.
For clarification about unwanted, outdated or broken Items, please visit our Inventory FAQ.
Instructional Materials and Furnishings
- Professional literature and resources should be stored in a manner so that all team members can access them (e.g., Developing Math Concepts in Pre-Kindergarten or Fountas and Pinnell Continuum of Literacy Learning).
- Schools losing a Pre-K classroom are not obligated to store the furniture items provided by the Purchasing Office (e.g.,teacher desks, student tables and chairs, etc.). Schools should contact Cece Clement (email or x6724) to request pick up.
- Please do not send any items purchased by Early Childhood Programs to the Logistics Center (formerly Warehouse). The Logistics Center is NOT for storage; most items sent there are auctioned to the public.
Increase in Classrooms
Add Back
Approved furniture items are supplied by the Purchasing Office when a new Pre-K classroom is opened. Early Childhood Programs requests approved furniture from the Purchasing Office on behalf of each school; the principal, principal’s secretary and relevant teachers are included in this process.
- When a Pre-K classroom has been "added back" after a few years of reduced enrollment, teams are expected to locate items previously purchased by Early Childhood Programs to reassemble the "add back" classroom. Early Childhood Programs will not fund a “new” classroom unless one has not been recently added to a school.
- Print the Pre-K inventory and use it as a guide for finding materials in your building. The guide reflects instructional materials that are supplied by the Office of Early Childhood Programs for Pre-K classrooms. We understand that items may go missing; however, this inventory is for reference purposes (images are approximations; actual items may vary classroom to classroom) and is not a wish list or shopping list of missing items. Teams should work together to locate as many items on this list as possible and then move those items into the "add back" Pre-K classroom.
- Please note there is a difference between items purchased by Early Childhood Programs and the approved furniture items provided by the Purchasing Office.
- For each new classroom, teams can expect to receive an iPad and a desktop computer for classroom use.
- iPads and desktop computers are requested on behalf of the new classroom and will likely arrive in early September. Both are inventoried and managed by school Media Specialists.
Brand New Classrooms
- When a new classroom is approved, the Office Early Childhood Programs will order inventory items. As items are ordered, the PO# and supplier will be provided to the building principal, principal’s secretary and kindergarten team leader. When the item(s) arrive, please scan and email the packing slip or send the packing slip in the PONY to Kym Nwosu, Office of Early Childhood Programs, so payment can be released to the supplier. Please make note of any backordered, damaged, or missing items and communicate those issues with the Office of Early Childhood Programs.
- Please note there is a difference between items purchased by Early Childhood Programs and the approved furniture items provided by the Purchasing Office.
- For each new classroom, teams can expect to receive an iPad and a desktop computer for classroom use.
- iPads and desktop computers are requested on behalf of the new classroom and will likely arrive in September. Both are inventoried and managed by school Media Specialists.
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