Kindergarten TME Forms

End of Year ExpecTations

 For the 2019-2020 school year, kindergarten teachers should note the following modifications to end of year expectations:

  • Kindergarten teachers will follow 2019-2020 articulation recommendations provided by the offices of Elementary Mathematics and Elementary Language Arts. These recommendations align to the continuity of learning closure; and,
  • End of Year Checklists (otherwise known as the “TME” forms) will not be completed for the current 2019-2020 school year. Because these forms are intended to be a reflection of student performance at the end of the year, reporting on performance prior to March 13 would not align to the purpose of the document.

Previous End of Year Expectations

As part of the cumulative folder and grading process, teachers are expected to complete End of Year Checklists (otherwise known as the “TME” forms) for each student in Language Arts and Mathematics.

Please remember that three copies of each are needed (one for parent, one for the end-of-year language arts or mathematics folders, and one for the cumulative folder). The forms are available in English, Korean, and Spanish. Please complete the form in English for all students; translations can be attached to the parent copy, as needed. Copies should be run at school after printing the original.

View the TME Memo Links to an external site. for more information.

Language Arts

 PDF (print, copy, write by hand)

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