Kindergarten Rubrics
Optional Kindergarten Handwriting Assessment
- Provide a copy of a sentence that includes a variety of letter types, or use the given examples.
- Straight line letters: E F H I L T i l t
- Curved line letters: C O Q S c o s
- Straight/curved line letters: B D G J P R U a b d e f g h j m n p q r u
- Slanted line letters: A K M N V W X Y Z k v w x y z
- Have students copy the sentence onto handwriting paper with a dotted midline. Use the rubric to score the writing.
Sentence Examples
- He can go and see it at the zoo.
- Straight line letters: H
- Curved line letters: C O S c o s
- Straight/curved line letters: a d e g h n p
- Slanted line letters: Z z
- Lou can go take a bus and see the zoo.
- Straight line letters: L t
- Curved line letters: C O S c o s
- Straight/curved line letters: U a b d e g n u
- Slanted line letters: Z k z
- Tom and I like to cook eggs with ham.
- Straight line letters: I T i l t
- Curved line letters: C O S c o s
- Straight/curved line letters: a d e g h m n
- Slanted line letters: k
Kindergarten Rubric
The rubric below should be used with individual students to communicate progress with parents, and to help inform instructional and grading decisions. It can be used with the optional handwriting assessment or daily writing samples.
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total Points | |
Letters with Straight Lines | All letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | All letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | Most letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | A few or no letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | |
Letter with Curved Lines | All letters with curved lines are formed correctly. | Most letters with curved lines are formed correctly. | A few letters with curved lines are formed correctly. | No letters with curved lines are formed correctly. | |
Letter with diagonal lines | All letters with diagonal lines are formed correctly. | Most letters with diagonal lines are formed correctly. | A few letters with diagonal lines are formed correctly. | No letters with diagonal lines are formed correctly. | |
Relationship to Line | All letters are anchored correctly in relation to the lines. | Most letters are anchored correctly in relation to the line. | A few letters are anchored correctly in relation to the line. | No letters are anchored correctly in relation to the line. | |
Total ------> |
Writes neatly line item for report card:
- 1 = 12 - 16 points
- 2 = 6 - 11 points
- 3 = 1 - 5 points
Optional Pre-K Handwriting Assessment
- plain paper;
- crayons; and,
- cards or paper with the following letters: Ll, Tt, Ii, Cc, Oo, Dd, Ff, Gg, Aa.
Shape formation Directions
- Ask the child to draw a picture of the sun.
- Was a single circle formed?
- Show the child a picture of a house with the bottom of the house in the shape of a square, a window with a + in the middle, and a triangle roof. Ask the child to copy the house next to their picture of the sun.
- If the child cannot draw any part or all of the house, demonstrate and then see if they can imitate the pre-writing shapes.
- Ask the child to color in the sun and/or house. If the child's drawing was too small/too big to color, draw a circle for them to color.
- Observe how well the child stays within the line.
Letter Formation with Basic Strokes
- Show the child letters: Ll, Tt, Ii, one at a time. Ask the child to copy them on blank piece of paper.
- Observe if the child is able to form the letters. Note in the comments section if the strokes are formed top to bottom or not.
Letter Formation with Curves and Slanted Lines
- Show the child letters: Cc, Oo, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Aa. Ask the child to copy them on a blank piece of paper.
- Observe if the child is able to form the letters. Note in the comments section if the strokes are formed top to bottom or not.
Pre-K Rubric
The rubric below should be used with individual students to communicate progress with parents, and to help inform instructional and grading decisions. It can be used with the optional handwriting assessment or daily writing samples.
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total Points | |
Shape Formation | Shapes copied and formed correctly (O, Square, /\, and Triangle). | Copies O and +, imitates a square and /\ lines. | Copies a O and imitates a +. | Copies a circle. | |
Control | Colors within the line. | Colors within 1/4 inch of the line. | Colors within 1/2 inch of the line. | Colors outside 1/2 inch of given lines. | |
Letter Formation with Basic Strokes | All straight-lined letters formed correctly and no larger than 1-inch. | 5-6 letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | 3-4 letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | 1-2 or no letters with straight lines are formed correctly. | |
Letter Formation with Curves/Slanted Lines | 14 letters with curves/slanted lines are formed correctly. | 9-13 letters with curves/slanted lines are formed correctly. | 3-8 letters with curves/slanted lines are formed correctly. | 1-2 or no letters with curves/slanted lines are formed correctly. | |
Total ------> |
Writes neatly line item for report card:
- 1 = 12 - 16 points
- 2 = 6 - 11 points
- 3 = 1 - 5 points
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