
Resource Guide
Web Resources

The following web resources, chosen by the curriculum writing team who revised this guide, may be used to help support handwriting instruction in early childhood classrooms. This list is not exhaustive; school teams may vet other resources or choose to purchase materials for handwriting practice.

Please note that while “dotted” letter formation practice sheets are readily available, consider the use of highlighter to modify copied pages or gray marker to create your own grayscale prior to running copies. This allows students to trace the letter with a fluid motion and develop muscle memory for the formation, rather than connect dots. Additionally, provide multiple exemplary models to trace on each line, with a gradual release as muscle control increases. It is important to stress quality over quantity and develop muscle memory for correct formation. By providing traceable exemplars that students can revisit several times on a line or page, you avoid students filling a page with incorrect formation and developing bad habits.

In addition to the web resources below, each team has been provided with a copy of Fine Motor Fun by Sherrill B. Flora (2006 Carson-Dellosa Publishing, LLC). It includes hundreds of developmentally age-appropriate activities designed to improve fine motor skills.


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