Make A Connection
Grade 1 Mathematics
Closure - Make A Connection
Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
In this closure activity, the teacher shows the class a problem and multiple solutions for the problem. (For example in a primary class, an addition problem can be given with solutions that show base ten blocks, break apart/partial sums, adjusting, and open number line. In the intermediate class, a multiplication problem can be given with solutions that show base ten blocks, area model, doubling and halving, and partial products.) Students choose two solutions where they see a connection and explain how they are connected. The teacher should record student ideas to help students look for, develop, and generalize relationships and patterns and to help students apply conjectures about patterns and properties to new situations
Questions you could ask:
- What is the same about solution x and solution y? What is different?
- Is this the only way these two solutions are connected?
- Can this solution be connected to another solution?
- What patterns do you notice?
- Could you use another strategy to solve this problem?
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