Numberless Word Problems

Grade 1 Mathematics
Numberless Word Problems

This activity primarily supports standard 1.OA.1., 1.OA.2, 2.OA.1, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.8, 4.OA.2, and 4.OA.3.  Word problems involve different story structures or problem situations.  Numberless Word Problems are designed to provide scaffolding that allows students the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the underlying structure of word problems.  

Originally developed by Brian Bushart, the powerpoint resources below address addition and subtraction problem types.  Each problem type, for example,  Join - Result Unknown, contains ten numberless word problems.  Teachers may choose to develop one problem type or use a combination of problem types (Separate - Change Unknown, Part-Part-Whole - Part Unknown) during one given week. numbers

Powerpoint Slide Decks for Numberless Word Problems Links to an external site.

 Some key questions include:

  • What do you notice?
  • What do you wonder?
  • How does the new information change or support your thinking?
  • What questions could be asked?


Additional Primary Examples:

  • There were some chipmunks playing in the tree.  ___ chipmunks ran away.  Now there are ___ chipmunks in the tree.  How many chipmunks were in the tree at the beginning?
  • Mrs. Dyer bought ___ pears and some bananas at the grocery store.  She bought ___ pieces of fruit in total.  How many bananas did Mrs. Dyer buy?  How many more pears did Mrs. Dyer buy than bananas?
  • Lindsey had ___ stickers.  Her mom gave her ___ more stickers.  How many stickers does Lindsey have now?
  • Connie has ___ more books on her shelf than John.  Connie has ___ books.  How many books does John have on his shelf?
  • There were ___ apples on Mr. Martin's tree.  He picked some apples to make a pie.  Now there are ___ apples on his tree.  How many apples did Mr. Martin pick?



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