
K-8 Subjects

Your Canvas subjects are where your teachers will create and share lessons, assignments, and grades. Each subject has links at the top of the screen:

  • Home
  • Schedule
  • Modules
  • Grades
  • Resources


Under home you will see your teachers homepage with general information about that subject. If your teacher has posted any subject announcements you will see them at the top of that page. Like the general Canvas home page you can use the arrows to see older announcements that have expired or have been replaced.


This is similar to schedule on the general homepage but here you will only see upcoming due dates, announcements, and events for this subject. The schedule opens to the current week but you can use the left and right arrows to see past and future weeks. Next to your assignments you may see additional labels like Graded, Late, Missing. If your assignment is labeled graded, click the title to see your score and feedback from your teacher.


Modules are where you will find you teacher's content and assignments. Select an item in a module to view it. There will be a symbol in front of the title indicating what type of item it is:

  • Page - this is where teachers will information with you.
  • Assignment - this is a task your teacher wants you to complete. You might complete the task in Canvas or you might turn it in on paper.
  • Quiz - this is a quiz that you complete in Canvas.
  • Link - this goes to a different website that your teacher wants you to look at. 

In a module, your teacher will have things that they want you to do or read in a specific order. After you have opened an item you can use the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate.


Select the grades tab to see your current assignment grades in this subject. Open one of the listed assignments to see your grade, submission (if you turned work in through Canvas), and feedback from your teacher.


This is also similar to the Resources tab on your home screen, but here you will only see resources for this subject. For example, a link to a tool used by your music teacher will only be listed under resources if you are viewing your music class. Some tools, like Google Drive, will be listed under the Resources tab in all your subjects.


Your teacher may organize you into groups for a class project or other activity. If they are using Canvas for group work you may see this at the top of your subject page.