Condition - 3-2
Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP): #2, #3, #6
In this routine, "Condition" from Daily Routines Jump-Start Math Class by John Sangiovanni, the focus is on flexible thinking about numbers. Students will reason about the attributes of numbers while determining if their number meets the condition.
- Students should move to the front of the room. They will need a whiteboard, digit cards, or paper, and a pencil/marker for this routine.
- Have the students generate a number.
- Present a condition one at a time. Students whose number meets that condition get a point.
- Solicit examples of numbers that meet that condition.
- Present the next condition. Students whose number meets that condition get a point.
- Solicit examples of numbers that meet that condition.
- Continue with the next few conditions in this manner. Celebrate student success by asking how many points they earned during the routine.
- Questions to consider asking during this routine:
- How could your number match more than one condition?
- Could you rearrange the digits in your number to meet the condition?
- What are some other numbers that would meet each of these conditions that we didn't create?
- What is the next condition you are hoping for and why?
VIDEO: Condition Video Links to an external site.
Watch how the teacher begins by asking students to write down any three digit number they want and signal when they are finished by placing their sticky note down in front of them. After the first condition is given, the teacher asks for a few students to give examples of numbers that meet that condition. When the second condition is given, the teacher asks for another few examples that meet the condition, but also for students to think of numbers that would not meet this condition. After the third condition is given, the teacher next asks if the students can think of a number that would meet all three conditions. One student gives an example that does not meet all the conditions, so the teacher asks the class again if it meets all three. When some disagree, she asks for the students to find which condition it did not meet. As the last condition is shown, the teacher reminds the students of the meaning of the vocabulary within the condition. She first gets a few examples of numbers that meet condition 4 specifically, and then for examples that would meet all four conditions. Another student gives an example that does not meet all the conditions and the teacher has the students reason through why. The teacher now has information of what the students understood and which conditions they may need additional practice with.
Google Slides - Condition Links to an external site.
These 25 slides include various conditions to help students think flexibly with numbers. As the slide deck continues, the conditions get more challenging to progress with the grade level expectations.
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