
Grade 3 Mathematics
Closure - Agree/Disagree

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

In this closure activity, the teacher poses a question and asks students if they agree or disagree (you can also add unsure as a category).  Students then put their name on a sticky note and put their sticky note under their choice.  The teacher then guides a discussion based on the results.  Or, students can also include why they agree or disagree on their sticky note, then put their answer under their choice.  The teacher will then guide the discussion based on the results.

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Questions you could ask:

  1. Explain how you know your solution answers the problem.
  2. How could you test your solution to see if it answers the problem?
  3. Can you convince the ____ (side which is opposite your answer - agree or disagree) that your answer makes sense?
  4. Have we ever solved a problem like this before?
  5. Does anyone want to revise their answer?
  6. Is this a reasonable answer?


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