3 Dot G 2 More Ideas From Vdw

Ideas Inspired by Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics

VDW-k-3.pngCorrect Shares - (K-3, p.257) Show examples and nonexamples of specified fractional parts. Have students identify the wholes that are correctly divided into requested fractional parts and those that are not. For each response, have students explain their reasoning. The activity should be done with a variety of models, including length and set models.

Finding Fairs Shares - (K-3, p.257) Give students models, and have them find fifths or eighths or other fractional parts using their models. (The models should never have fractions written on them.) The activity is especially interesting when different wholes can be designated in the same model. That way, a given fractional part does not get identified with a special shape or color but with the relationship of the part to the designated whole.

Graphic organizers:
Modify a Frayer Model (Frayer Model Links to an external site.) to have sections labeled numbers, words, examples, non-examples. Give students a fraction to complete. For example, give students 1/4 have them write it in words and draw examples and non-examples.

Have students compare and contrast different fractions with a Venn diagram.

Good Questions / Problems in Math:
Have students use pattern blocks or draw pictures to make at least three different designs that are 3/4 yellow or 1/4 red.

Give students different shapes partitioned correctly and incorrectly. Ask students which are examples of a specific fraction.