3 Dot Oa Dot 6 More Ideas From Vdw

Ideas Inspired by Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics

VDW-k-3.pngPlay a Matching GameProvide students with 2 sets of index cards. One set of cards has division equations with unknowns (i.e. 21 ÷ ? = 7). The other set has numbers written on them (i.e. 3). The cards are shuffled and a traditional "memory game" can be played. Other card games such as "go fish" can be played with the 2 sets of cards as well. 

Fact Flash
Using an document camera, flash a multiplication equation on the screen for 5 seconds such as 3 X 4 = 12. Have students tell the corresponding division equation. In the example above, 12 ÷ 3 = 4 or 12 ÷ 4 = 3Have students explain how they got their answer.Repeat with other examples.

Name My Array 
Have students work in pairs. Each partner has one minute to draw a simple array on a separate sheet of paper. Partners exchange papers and label their partners array with a corresponding multiplication and division equation. Have partners share with the whole group.

Spin a Fact 
Project the Spin a Fact spinner below on the document camera. Explain that students will work with a partner. On each turn they spin the spinner, say the multiplication equation aloud and then state a corresponding division equation. Provide copies of the Spin a Fact spinner and paper clips for pairs. Allow time for students to play. Have students debrief how they were able to come up with the corresponding division equation.