Increasing Rigor
Grade 3 Mathematics
Rigor of Mathematics
All students deserve access to rigorous mathematics. But what is rigor? Linda Gojak's ideas to the right highlight what rigor is and what it is not in mathematics. Rigor is a balance between procedure, concept, and application of mathematics. Her NCTM's President Corner Links to an external site. article sheds more light on rigor in mathematics.
Rigor is directly related to the tasks we use with our students.
High quality tasks
Download High quality tasks
- Align with relevant mathematics content standards.
- Connect previous knowledge with new learning.
- Encourage the use of representations.
- Provide opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate the mathematical practices.
- Promote reasoning and problem solving.
- Allow multiple entry points (All students can begin the task. Task can be extended.)
- Allows for multiple solution approaches and strategies.
- Engages students in explaining the meaning of the result.
- Includes relevant and interesting context.
Increasing Rigor through Good Questions:
Other resources for good questions include: