Grade 2 Year-At-A-Glance

Grade 2 Mathematics
Year-At-A-Glance (Brief Descriptions)

The timeline below shows the progression of standards across the year. Click on the tabs for quarter-specific timelines.


Number Concepts

 Quarter 1

 Quarter 2

 Quarter 3

 Quarter 4

  • Read/write numbers in expanded form (2.NBT.A.3)


Number Operations

 Quarter 1

 Quarter 2

 Quarter 3

 Quarter 4

  • Represent whole numbers on a number line (2.MD.B.6)
  • Represent whole numbers on a number line (2.MD.B.6)
  • Represent whole numbers on a number line (2.MD.B.6)
  • Represent whole numbers on a number line (2.MD.B.6)
  • Fact Fluency (review grade 1 facts, +/- 0, 1, 2, Make Ten, Doubles +/- 10) (2.OA.B.2)
  • Fact Fluency (Make ten and some more) (2.OA.B.2)
  • Fact Fluency (Near doubles) (2.OA.B.2)
  • Use +/- to solve one-step word problems (2.OA.A.1)
  • Use +/- to solve one- and two-step word problems (2.OA.A.1)
  • Use +/- to solve one- and two-step word problems (2.OA.A.1)
  • Explain why +/- strategies work (2.NBT.B.9)
  • Explain why +/- strategies work (2.NBT.B.9)
  • Explain why +/- strategies work (2.NBT.B.9)
  • Explain why +/- strategies work (2.NBT.B.9)


  • Use addition to find the total number objects in arrays (2.OA.C.4)



Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

  • Tell time to the nearest hour and half-hour (2.MD.C.7)
  • Tell time to the nearest quarter-hour (2.MD.C.7)
  • Tell and write time to the nearest quarter-hour with a.m. and p.m. (2.MD.C.7)
  • Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes with a.m. and p.m. (2.MD.C.7)



Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

  • Identify coins and skip count by like coins (2.MD.C.8)
  • Count money by combinations of coins through 1 dollar (2.MD.C.8)
  • Count money by combinations of coins and bills through 5 dollars (2.MD.C.8)
  • Solve word problems with money (2.MD.C.8)


Measurement and Data

 Quarter 1

 Quarter 2

 Quarter 3

 Quarter 4

  • Compare measurements of different units (2.MD.A.2)
  • Use +/- to solve word problems with measurement (2.MD.B.5)
  • Generate measurement data and show data on line plots (2.MD.D.9)
  • Draw picture graphs and bar graphs (2.MD.D.10)



 Quarter 1

 Quarter 2

 Quarter 3

 Quarter 4

  • Recognize and draw polygons and other figures (2.G.A.1)
  • Partition rectangles into rows and columns (2.G.A.2)
  • Partition circles and rectangles (2.G.A.3)


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