5.NBT.7 - About the Math, Learning Targets, and Rigor
Grade 5 Place Value and Decimals
About the Math
Full Standard
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Measurement Topic
This standard is reported on the report card in these quarters as follows:
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of addition and subtraction of different number types.
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of multiplication and division of different number types. |
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of addition and subtraction of different whole numbers and fractions.
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of multiplication.
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of division. |
Learning Targets (I can)
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals.
- Represent addition of decimals with base ten models and number lines.
- Represent subtraction of decimals base ten models and number lines.
- Explain how addition and subtraction of decimals are related.
- Add decimals using strategies of count on, partial sums, and compensation (adjusting), and the traditional addition algorithm.
- Subtract decimals using count back, think addition, compensation (adjusting) and the traditional subtraction algorithm.
- Represent multiplication of decimals with base ten models.
- Estimate products of decimals to tell if a product is reasonable.
- Multiply decimals using partial products and a multiplication algorithm.
- Represent division with decimals using base ten models.
- Estimate quotients of decimals to tell if a quotient is reasonable.
- Divide decimals with partial quotients.
- Solve problems with computation of decimals.
About the Math
Computation with decimals is more than "lining up decimals" (+/-) or "moving the decimal point" (x/÷). Simply, our students must understand computation with decimals. They must work to estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients. They should transfer whole number computation strategies to decimals.
- Represent addition of decimals with base ten models and number lines.
- Represent subtraction of decimals base ten models and number lines.
Using base ten blocks can be challenging for some students as the "flat" now has a value of 1. Using decimal grids can help. Regardless, students should have ample opportunities to add and subtract decimals on a number line. Students should make connections between decimals and related whole numbers. For example, 33 + 45 has some similarities to 0.33 + 0.44. The addends are referring to a difference place value and the sum will in turn refer to a different place value. Here, 33 ones + 45 ones equals 78 ones or 7 tens and 8 ones or simply 78. For 0.33 + 0.44, one is adding 33 hundredths + 44 hundredths which equals 78 hundredths which is also 7 tenths and 8 hundredths or simply 0.78.
- Explain how addition and subtraction of decimals are related.
Students should be able to explain how addition and subtraction of decimals is related as they are related with whole numbers. Students should be able to use adding up to subtract on a number line.
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals.
When computing with decimals, it is important to ask the students to estimate the answers. Prior to computing ask the students to make estimates by rounding to nice whole numbers. Estimating helps students focus on the meaning of the numbers and operations and not on counting decimal places. Students will need a solid understanding of decimal place value prior to computing with decimals.
- Add decimals using strategies of count on, partial sums and compensation (adjusting), and the traditional addition algorithm.
- Subtract decimals using count back, think addition, compensation (adjusting) and the traditional subtraction algorithm.
Often, strategies such as count on/back, partial sums, think addition, and compensation (adjustment) are more efficient than using a procedural algorithm. Decimals can be decomposed and added just as fractions and whole numbers can be. Note: Students have learned, and applied these addition and subtraction strategies starting in Grade 1. The following examples are just that, and not all inclusive of all possibilities.
Consider 1.07+5.73, a student may decompose both addends and add .73+.07=.80; 1+5=6; .80+6=6.8. Another student might count up 5.73+1=6.73; 6.73+.07=6.8.
Consider 3.42-2.95, as opposed to "double regrouping", a student may use the count up from the subtrahend strategy and mentally and see .05 gets to 3.0 and then .42 to reach 3.42, so .05+.42=.47 the difference. Or a student may mentally adjust the equation to be 3.47-3 to see the difference of .47.
- Represent multiplication of decimals with base ten models.
Students should work with representations of whole numbers times decimals to first develop understanding of multiplication with decimals. From there, students can develop understanding of decimal times decimal. Students can then use these two ideas to apply partial products to decimal numbers.
When multiplying decimals, connect their understanding to fractions. So when multiplying .3 x .4, you are multiplying 3/10 x 4/10 which equals 12/100. This helps students make sense that .3 x .4 = .12. Students need to understand that when multiplying two numbers less than one, the product may be smaller than both the factors. We can think of this type of multiplication as finding part of, this helps them make sense that the product will be smaller. Often times students try to apply a misunderstanding that when you multiply, the answer "gets bigger". This is true in whole numbers but does not apply to fractions and decimals. We apply this same thinking to division of decimals. When dividing two decimals less than one (such as 0.5 ÷ 0.1) the quotient will be greater than either decimal. So the quotient will be 5. Students may be confused by this if they are under the misconception that when you divide the quotient will be smaller.
- Estimate products of decimals to tell if a product is reasonable.
As noted above, students should estimate products of decimals before finding actual products. Doing so has many benefits. Most importantly, it helps develop students number and operational sense. There are various ways to estimate products with decimals. We can always round. We can also think of a decimal as being between two whole numbers thus generating a range for a product. For example, 5.48 x 8 is between 5 x 8 and 6 x 8 as 5.48 is between 5 and 6. There are other strategies as well.
- Multiply decimals using partial products and a multiplication algorithm.
Decimals can be decomposed as whole numbers are. We can apply the Distributive Property to multiplication with decimals. Consider 4.5 x 6. We can think of it as 4 x 6 + 0.5 x 6 or 24 + 3.
- Represent division with decimals using base ten models.
Understanding of division with decimals must also be grounded in understanding. It is also important that student work with division of decimals is restricted to friendly computations during first exposure (if not all of grade 5 instruction). Without careful consideration, quotients can easily enter 4, 5, or more decimal places.
- Estimate quotients of decimals to tell if a quotient is reasonable.
Estimating quotients with decimals can be done in many ways. Here rounding may lose efficiency. As with other operations, it makes sense to reason about the decimal and think about friendly, compatible numbers. For example, 83.8 ÷ 21.5 might be best estimated as about 80 ÷ 20 or even 84 ÷ 20.
- Divide decimals with partial quotients.
Note that students in grade 5 are not exposed to the division algorithm. They rely on partial quotients. The same is true for dividing decimals. Because of this, number selection is critical.
Other considerations for computing with decimals:
- +/- with decimals: Situations through hundredths. Develop through use models and tools (number lines). Use procedure when students are ready.
- x with decimals: Situations should include whole x tenth, whole x hundredth, and tenth x tenth. Hundredth x hundredth is not required. Develop through use of models and tools. Use procedure when students are ready.
- ÷ with decimals: Situations need to be thoughtful. It is grounded in meaning of the computation. It centers on context and number choice. It is necessary to avoid repeating decimals and quotients beyond hundredths. The examples below should be helpful.
Situations to consider for division:
12 ÷ .4 |
How many tenths are in a whole? (Whole number divided by tenths, clearly divisible by the divisor) |
2.7 ÷ 3 |
How can we partition a tenth? (Tenths divided by whole number clearly divisible by divisor, quotient in tenths) |
5.5 ÷ .5 |
How many tenths are in tenths? (Tenths divided by tenths, clearly divisible by divisor) |
3.68 ÷ 2 |
How can we partition a hundredth? (Hundredth divided by whole) clearly divisible by divisor |
3.15÷ .3 |
How many tenths are in a hundredth? (Hundredths divided by tenth clearly divisible by divisor) |
4 ÷ .25 |
How many hundredths are in a whole? (Whole divided by hundredth clearly divisible by divisor. Numbers should be carefully selected. |
Essential vocabulary for this standard includes decimal, tenths, hundredths, add, subtract, multiply, divide, addend, sum, difference, factor, product, quotient, and whole number.
Progression of Standard within Grade 5
This progression informs how to develop the standard within the grade level. This progression is provided by HCPSS Elementary Mathematics.
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Progression of this Standard Across Grades
This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.
Grade 4 | Grade 6 |
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm (4.NBT.4) |
Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals using the standard algorithm (6.NS.3) |
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Instructional Tasks
These tasks can be used with small group or whole group instruction.
- How is adding and subtracting with decimals similar to adding and subtracting with whole numbers? How are they different?
- Provide students with manipulatives (place value disks, base 10 blocks, open number lines) to help support computational fluency strategies.
- Use decimal manipulatives (place value disks and base 10 manipulatives) and the recoding sheet Links to an external site. to help students develop a solid understanding of whole number × decimal, decimal × whole number, and decimal × decimal. Encourage students to work in partners to show all different representations of a given expression.
- Why does "lining up the decimal points” when you are adding and subtracting with decimals help when finding the answers? Why does this make sense mathematically?
- How can estimation help when you multiply and divide with decimals? Use examples to support your answer.
- Without doing the calculations, what can you conclude about the products of the following equations?
- 3.4 x 6
- 3.45 x 6
- 3.452 x 6
- How can you use 45 ÷ 3 = 15 to help you with 4.5 ÷ 3?
- When Jamie added .4 + .7 he got .11. Explain to him what he did wrong.
- Write two decimals when added together have a sum of 14.5.
These links are HCPSS created instructional tasks. These tasks are provided in Google slides. These tasks should be used for inspiration and resources, but instruction should start with students having the opportunity to engage with the math first (often involving physical and/or visual models) followed by discussion and explicit instruction to ensure student understanding.
Module 9 • Adding & Subtracting Decimals
Use Models to Represent and Estimate When Adding & Subtracting Decimals:
- Picking Blueberries Links to an external site.
- Estimating Sums with Decimals Links to an external site.
- Estimating Difference with Decimals Links to an external site.
- Decimal Estimation Links to an external site.
- How Much Does It Weigh Links to an external site.
Adding & Subtracting Decimals:
Module 10 • Multiplying Decimals
Use Models to Represent and Estimate When Multiplying Decimals:
- Reasoning About Multiplying Decimals Links to an external site.
- Using the Area Model to Multiply Decimals Links to an external site.
Multiplying Decimals:
Module 13 • Dividing Decimals
Use Models to Represent and Estimate When Dividing Decimals:
Additional Tasks
These links provide instructional ideas connected to this standard.
- The Value of Education Links to an external site. (Illustrative Mathematics)
- Dill'er Up Links to an external site. (3 Act Task, G.Fletcher)
- Granny Smith Skin Links to an external site. (3 Act Task, G.Fletcher)
- Straighten Up Links to an external site. (3 Act Task, G.Fletcher)
- Quick Lesson Seeds
- Multiplying Decimals Download Multiplying Decimals (zip file, multiple lessons)
- Dividing Decimals Download Dividing Decimals (zip file, multiple lessons)
- The Value of Education
Download The Value of Education (lesson plan)
- Partial Quotients and Multi-Digit Decimal Division Download Partial Quotients and Multi-Digit Decimal Division
- Ten Is The Winner! Download Ten Is The Winner! (Georgia Department of Education, pgs 69-76)
- Rolling Around With Decimals Download Rolling Around With Decimals (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 81-86)
- Base Ten Activity Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 30-36)
- Do You See An Error? Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 62-65)
- Super Slugger Award Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 50-53)
- Multiplication Teasers Links to an external site.(Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 39-42 )
- Number Puzzles Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 54-58)
- Road Trip Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 66-69 )
- 3-Act Task: Penny Cube Links to an external site. (Georgia Department of Education, pgs. 71-79)
Tasks From Print Resources
These publications have been provided for each school. They are typically stored in team closets or the media center. Check with your team leader if you cannot find them.
Book Thumbnail | Book Title | Grade | Pages |
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics | 3-5 | Exact Sums & Differences, Activity 7.11, Page 198 Where Does the Decimal Go? Multiplication, Activity 7.12, Page 199 Where Does the Decimal Go? Division, Activity 7.13, Page 200 |
Fundamentals | 5 | 40-43 "Decimal Draw" 44-47 "X Zone" |
Nimble with Numbers | 6-7 | 66-67 Decimal Draw | |
Hands-On Standards | 5 | 44-45 "Add and Subtract Decimals" 52-53 "Multiply and Divide Decimals" |
Groundworks: Reasoning about Numbers | 5 | 80-87 Grid Sums | |
Brain-Compatible Activities for Mathematics | 4-5 | 61-62 Dollars and Sense" 77-79 "Calling All Construction Workers" |
Number SENSE | 4-6 | 75-76 "About How Many Is It?" 196-200 "What Did I Buy?" 221-225 "Where's the Point?" |
Problem-Driven Math | 5 | 7, 47-49 "Un-Sound System" 9, 61-62 "Creative Costs" Problem #s 16, 18, 19, and 30 |
Math In Practice Teaching Fifth-Grade Math |
5 | Module 5 & 6 |
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Independent Work
These print resources can be used during independent or center time. These resources could also be used as lesson seeds.
- Decimal Four in a Row Links to an external site. (HCPSS -adapted print resource)
- Decimal Friendly Pairs Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Make Half Double Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Doubles/Halves Slide Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Bag Addition Edition Download Decimal Bag Addition Edition (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Bag Subtraction Edition Download Decimal Bag Subtraction Edition (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Addition Cover Up Download Decimal Addition Cover Up (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Addition Puzzle Download Decimal Addition Puzzle (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Animals in Base 10 Download Decimal Animals in Base 10 (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Buildings Download Decimal Buildings (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Magic Squares Download Decimal Magic Squares (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Decimal Triangle Puzzle Download Decimal Triangle Puzzle (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Make $10 Download Make $10 (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Race to 100 Download Race to 100 (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Race to Zero Decimal Spinner Download Race to Zero Decimal Spinner (HCPSS-adapted print resource)
- Target 4 Download Target 4 (game)
These resource sheets can be used for independent practice, homework, or assessment. They are intended to reinforce procedures and concepts. They should not be used as a source of direct instruction or whole-group practice.
Adding Decimals
- Adding Decimals Using a Grid - A Links to an external site.
- Adding Decimals Using a Grid - B Links to an external site.
- Adding Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks- A Links to an external site.
- Adding Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks- B Links to an external site.
- Estimating Sums and Adding Decimals- A Links to an external site.
- Estimating Sums and Adding Decimals- B Links to an external site.
- Adding Decimals- A Links to an external site.
- Adding Decimals- B Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Reason About Adding Decimals Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Reason About Adding Decimals_2 Links to an external site.
Subtracting Decimals
- Subtract Decimals Using a Grid- A Links to an external site.
- Subtract Decimals Using a Grid- B Links to an external site.
- Estimating Differences and Subtract- A Links to an external site.
- Estimating Differences and Subtract- B Links to an external site.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks- A Links to an external site.
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks-B Links to an external site.
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals- A Links to an external site.
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals- B Links to an external site.
- Add and Subtract Decimals a Links to an external site.
- Add and Subtract Decimals b Links to an external site.
- Hundredths: Reason About Adding and Subtracting Decimals Links to an external site.
- Hundredths: Solving +/– Word Problem Involving Money Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Solving +/– World Problems Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Reason About Adding and Subtracting Decimals Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Solving +/– World Problem Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Solving +/– Word Problem Links to an external site.
- Tenths and Hundredths: Use +/– to Complete Function Tables Links to an external site.
- Wholes, Tenths, and Hundredths: Solving +/– Word Problems Links to an external site.
Multiplying Decimals
- Multiplying Decimals Using a Grid-A Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using a Grid-B Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using a Grid-C Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using a Grid-D Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks- A Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks-B Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks-C Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals: Estimate and Solve- A Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals: Estimate and Solve-B Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals: Estimate and Solve-C Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals- A Links to an external site.
- Multiplying Decimals-B Links to an external site.
- Multiply Decimals a Links to an external site.
- Multiply Decimals b Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Tenths: Represent Multiplication Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Tenths: Use Partial Products to Multiply Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Hundredths: Interpret and Explain Multiplication Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Hundredths: Interpret, Explain, and Represent Multiplication Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Hundredths: Use Partial Products to Multiply Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Hundredths: Reason About Multiplying with Partial Products Links to an external site.
- Wholes x Hundredths: Solving Word Problems Involving Money Links to an external site.
- Tenths x Tenths: Interpret and Explain Multiplication Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Tenths x Tenths: Represent Multiplication using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Multiplication Review: Relate Whole Number and Decimal Multiplication Links to an external site.
Dividing Decimals
- Dividing Decimals Using a Grid- A Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Grid-B Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Grid-C Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Grid-D Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Grid-E Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Number Line- A Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Number Line-B Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Number Line-C Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals Using a Number Line- D Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals: Estimate and Solve - A Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals: Estimate and Solve -B Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals: Estimate and Solve -C Links to an external site.
- Dividing Decimals: Estimate and Solve- D Links to an external site.
- Divide Decimals a Links to an external site.
- Divide Decimals b Links to an external site.
- Tenths ÷ Whole: Interpret and Explain Division Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Tenths ÷ Whole: Represent Division Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Tenths ÷ Whole: Represent Division Using Base Ten Model_2 Links to an external site.
- Hundredths ÷ Whole: Interpret and Explain Division Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
- Hundredths ÷ Whole: Interpret, Explain, and Represent Division Using Base Ten Model Links to an external site.
Multiply and Divide Decimals
- Multiply and Divide Decimals a Links to an external site.
- Multiply and Divide Decimals b Links to an external site.
Decimal Computation
- Decimal Computation a Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation b Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation c Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation d Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation e Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation f Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation Word Problems a Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation Word Problems b Links to an external site.
- Decimal Computation Word Problems c Links to an external site.
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Learning Targets
- Represent addition of decimals with base ten models and number lines.
- Represent subtraction of decimals base ten models and number lines.
- Explain how addition and subtraction of decimals are related.
- Estimate sums and differences of decimals.
- Add decimals using partial sums and an addition algorithm.
- Subtract decimals using partial differences and a subtraction algorithm.
- Represent multiplication of decimals with base ten models.
- Estimate products of decimals to tell if a product is reasonable.
- Multiply decimals using partial products and a multiplication algorithm.
- Represent division with decimals using base ten models.
- Estimate quotients of decimals to tell if a quotient is reasonable.
- Divide decimals with partial quotients.
Learning targets identify what students should be able to do. This rubric can be applied to tasks and observations for assessment and/or grading.
Rubric for Tasks Links to an external site.
Visit the SBIR (Standards Based Instruction and Reporting) tab in Course Essentials for more information and clarification. There you will find the measurement topic crosswalk, report card comments, links to professional learning/resources and guidance.
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Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.