Addition & Subtraction Through 20 Fact Fluency
Developing Fact Fluency
Addition & Subtraction Through 20
Full Standard
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Learning Targets (I can)
- Recall facts that add and subtract within 20.
- Use mental strategies to recall a fact when a fact can't be recalled quickly.
About the Math
- Recall facts that add and subtract within 20.
This standard is a continuation of basic fact instruction started in first grade. Instruction in basic facts should focus on making sense, using strategies for remembering facts, and seeing relationships. Students need to understand the relationship of addition and subtraction as well as the commutative property. When students see the relationships such that 3 + 5 = 8 and that 5 + 3 = 8, they lessen the number of facts that need to be learned.
- Use mental strategies to recall a fact when a fact can't be recalled quickly.
Recalling basic facts takes time. Instant recall of the basic facts varies from child to child. Strategies, or ways of thinking about facts, are useful for recalling facts. They are more efficient than consistently drawing or using physical models. They also hope students see patterns.
The sequence of strategy instruction in grade 2 is
- Revisit strategies from grade 1 (quarter 1)
- Using Ten (facts that make a ten and have some more, eg. 9 + 5, 8 + 5, 14 - 9, etc)
- Using Doubles (facts that use the doubles strategy, eg 5 + 4, 9 - 5)
- Work with all facts (mixed review, connection and/or extension of strategies)
The use of timed tests is discouraged as a method of learning. Timed tests are only appropriate after students have indicated that they know the facts. Use of timed-assessments should not occur more than once every three to four weeks. Basic facts allow students to be accurate and efficient in computation and mental math.
Essential vocabulary for this standard includes: Doubles, Make ten, Near doubles, sum, difference, added, count-on, count-back, think addition, strategy, part, total, subtract, add, pattern, addition, and subtraction.
Progression of Standard within Grade 2
This progression informs how to develop the standard within the grade level. This progression is provided by HCPSS Elementary Mathematics.
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Using Ten (Make Ten and Some More) (i.e. 8 + 5 = 13, 9 + 6 = 15) |
Using doubles (Near Doubles) (i.e. 5 + 6 = 11, 8 + 7 = 15) |
All facts |
Progression of this Standard Across Grades
This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.
Grade 1 | Grade |
This concept is not taught after grade 2. Students are expected to apply the standard proficiently. |
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Preferred Tasks
These links provide ideas for lessons connected to this standard. They may support small group instruction or whole group collaborative investigations. They are intended to serve as a starting point for planning.
Review of 1st Grade Strategies Taught:
Make 10 and Some More (+/-):
Near Doubles (+/-):
Mixed Facts (all strategies taught):
- Disappearing Train Links to an external site. +++
- Box of Sweets Links to an external site. +++
- Number Puzzles Links to an external site. +++
- Hitting The Target Number Links to an external site. (Illustrative Math) Links to an external site.
All Print Resources from Mastering the Basic Facts Addition and Subtraction: Links to an external site.
Lesson Seeds (Prompts for Rigor)
Rigorous mathematics instruction balances the teaching and learning of conceptual understanding, procedural understanding, and the application of mathematics standards. Below are prompts for applying rigor in your classroom. They may support small group instruction or whole group collaborative investigations. They are intended to serve as a starting point for planning. See the Increasing Rigor page for more information.
- (making 20) Beth had a pack of 20 pencils. The pencils were two different colors. Show all the combinations of pencils she could have that equal 20. Draw pictures and write equations to support your answer.
- If you don’t know 9 + 3, how can knowing 10 + 2 help you?
- If you don’t know 9 + 8, is there a doubles fact that can help you? How?
- (use of strategies) If you don’t know the sum of 8 + 5 (or any other fact), what are some good strategies you can use to help you figure out the answer? (finger counting isn’t appropriate, looking for mental math ideas) Have students think, pair, share ideas. Write all ideas on board for class to see.
- (making 10) Meghan wants to have 10 donuts in each box. How many more donuts does she need to put in each of the following boxes? A box with 9 donuts? A box with 8 donuts? A box with 3 donuts?
- (doubling) Sherry already has 4 erasers. Now her goal is to collect 20 in all. She got 4 more on Monday and 8 on Tuesday. How many does she have in all? How many more does she need to make her goal?
- (halving) Connie and Cheryl are twins. Connie’s hair is twice the length of Cheryl’s hair. Connie has decided that she wants to cut her hair to be the same length as her sister’s. Connie’s hairdresser measured her hair and it is 16 inches long. How long will the twins’ hair be?
+++ Indicates recently created HCPSS instructional tasks. These tasks are provided in Google slides. When selected, a copy of the file is added to your drive for classroom use.
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Print Resources
These publications have been provided for each school. They are typically stored in team closets or the media center. Check with your team leader if you cannot find them.
Book Thumbnail | Book Title | Grade | Pages |
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics | K-3 |
100 (One/Two-More- Than Dice, Activity 4.1) |
Mastering The Basic Facts in Addition and Subtraction | K-2 |
Nimble With Numbers |
1-2 | 33-100 | |
Groundworks: Reasoning about Number | 2 | 64-72 | |
Math Intervention: Building Number Power |
PK-2 |
125 (Adding Doubles and Near Doubles) |
Roads to Reasoning | 2 | 40 (Double Desser) | |
Math In Practice Teaching Second-Grade Math |
2 | Module 2 |
Children's Literature Connections
Children’s Literature provides an opportunity to put mathematics in context. These titles connect well with this standard.
Two of Everything |
Mrs. Wishy-Washy |
Domino Addition |
Math-erpieces: The Art of Problem Solving |
Ten Flashing Fireflies |
Ready, Set, HOP! |
Mouse Count |
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Student-Facing Centers
These links provide online and print resources to engage students during independent or center time. These resources could be used as lesson seeds.
Review of 1st Grade Strategies Taught:
- Interactive Ten Frame Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations student-facing resource, pictured)
Make 10 and Some More (+/-):
- 10 and Some More Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Smart Sums Links to an external site. (print resource)
Near Doubles (+/-):
- Cover All (Doubles Minus One) Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Cover All (Doubles Plus Two) Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Near Doubles Match Up Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted resource)
- Near Doubles Add and Subtract Match Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted resource)
- Up Down Near Doubles Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapted resource)
- Near Doubles Match Links to an external site. (print resource)
Mixed Facts (all strategies taught):
- Homes for Facts Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Magic Square Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Number of the Day Mat Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Sums of 6 Triangle Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Sums of 26 Links to an external site. (HCPSS-adapated resource)
- Alien Addition Links to an external site. (student-facing resource)
- Math Limbo Links to an external site. (Greg Tang student-facing resource, pictured below)
- Numskil Links to an external site. (Greg Tang student-facing resource)
- Strike it Out Links to an external site. (student-facing activity)
- Smart Subtract Puzzles Links to an external site. (print resource)
Independent Practice
These resource sheets can be used for independent practice or homework. They are intended to reinforce procedures and concepts. They should not be used as a source of direct instruction or whole-group practice.
- Find the Missing Number (multiple choice) Links to an external site.
- Find the Missing Fact Links to an external site.
- Filling in Equations Links to an external site.
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Learning Targets
- Recall facts that add and subtract within 20.
- Use mental strategies to recall a fact when a fact can't be recalled quickly.
Notes about assessing basic facts:
- It is essential to limit the number of timed-tests administered to students. Timed-tests should not be administered more than a few times per quarter at most.
- Alternatives to timed-tests include interviews and observations.
Learning targets identify what students should be able to do. The resources below can be used to measure student understanding of the standard.
Assessment Tasks
These tasks align with the learning targets for the standard. They can be combined with other tasks for extended assessment opportunities. Teachers/students are not expected to complete all these tasks.
- Addition: Making 10 Links to an external site.
- Addition: Plus 1 and 2 Links to an external site.
- Addition: Adding 10 Links to an external site.
- Addition: Doubles Links to an external site.
- G1 Addition Fact Fluency Review (performance task) Links to an external site.
- G1 Subtraction Fact Fluency Review (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Addition: Near-Doubles Links to an external site.
- Addition: Near-Doubles (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Subtraction: Near-Doubles (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Addition: Make 10 and Some More Links to an external site.
- Addition: Make 10 and Some More_2 (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Subtraction: Make 10 and Some More (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Addition: All Facts Review Links to an external site.
- Addition: All Facts Review (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Addition and Subtraction: All Facts Review (performance task) Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Doubles" Strategy Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Doubles" Strategy_2 Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Near Doubles" Strategy Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Near Doubles" Strategy_2 Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Make 10 and Some More" Strategy Links to an external site.
- Apply and Explain "Make 10 and Some More" Strategy_2 Links to an external site.
- Q1 Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q2 Addition Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q2 Subtraction Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q3 Addition Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q3 Subtraction Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q4 Addition Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- Q4 Subtraction Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
- EOY Fact Fluency Assessment Links to an external site.
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