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Criteria Ratings Pts
Technology Concepts
Employs digital citizenship skills, computational thinking skills and transfers knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
threshold: pts
3 pts
Meets Expectations (M)
The student is able to: •make a prediction for the number of times Bee_Bot will need to move forward •accurately measure the number of times Bee_Bot will need to move forward to reach the flower The student can consistently demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and skills orally and/or through a digital product.
2 pts
Making Progress Toward Expectations (P)
With assistance, the student is able to: •make a prediction for the number of times Bee-Bot will need to move forward. •accurately measure the number of times Bee-Bot will need to move forward to reach the flower. With some prompting and support, the student demonstrates an understanding of key concepts and skills orally and/or through a digital product.
1 pts
Limited/No Progress Toward Expectations (L)
Even with assistance, the student is not able to: •make a prediction for the number of times Bee-Bot will need to move forward. •accurately measure the number of times Bee Bot will need to move forward to reach the flower. With continuous prompting and support, the student demonstrates limited understanding of key concepts and skills orally and/or through a digital product.
3 pts
Total Points: 3 out of 3