Grade K 2024-2025 Scope and Sequence
Elementary Mathematics Kindergarten Mathematics • 2024-2025
Scope and Sequence
The scope and sequence is designed to focus instruction on major works. More than 80% of instructional time is focused on major content. Standards have been organized into modules.
Timing guidelines are recommended to guide weekly instruction. Specific decisions should be made based on the needs of students.
Mathematics Focus by Grade Level Links to an external site.
The sections below identify instructional focus (standards) for each module. Standards are linked to full standards pages. These pages provide the instructional resources needed for instruction, independent work and assessment.
First Semester: Quarters 1 and 2
Module 1 • Quarter 1 • Getting to Know My Math Students
Two Weeks • August 26 - September 6
This module focuses on who our students are as learners and mathematicians.
- Learn about students' math identities to begin to foster productive dispositions towards mathematics.
- Engage students in mathematical tasks and make observations of students.
- Build a math community.
Module 2 • Quarter 1 • Counting to 10
Two Weeks • September 9 - September 20
In this module, students will
- Count objects to 10 and tell how many K.CC.B.4a-b
- Count objects to 10 to tell how many using basic arrangements, varied arrangements, and representations of numbers on ten frames and dot cards. K.CC.B.5
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module with counting objects and telling how many (KCC4). Then continue counting work with connections to varied arrangements (KCC5). Teachers should spend time reading the About the Math pages for both KCC4 and KCC5 before teaching this module. It is critical to understand how these standards connect and overlap as you plan for instruction.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Counting Principles
- Other Notes-- Rote counting K.CC.1 should be incorporated as you teach the other counting lessons in this module.
Module 3 • Quarter 1 • Counting to 20
Three Weeks • September 23 - October 11
In this module, students will
- Count objects to 20 to tell how many K.CC.B.4a-c
- Count objects to 20 to tell how many using basic arrangements, varied arrangements, and representations of numbers on ten frames and dot cards. K.CC.B.5
- Write numerals K.CC.A.3 Note: This should be continued throughout the year.
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module with counting objects to 20 and telling how many (KCC4). Then continue counting work to 20 with connections to varied arrangements (KCC5). Finally, teach lessons that focus on writing numerals (KCC3). Teachers should spend time reading the About the Math pages for both KCC4 and KCC5 before teaching this module. It is critical to understand how these standards connect and overlap as you plan for instruction.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Counting Principles
- Other Notes-- Writing numerals should be incorporated into instruction throughout the year. Rote counting K.CC.1 should be incorporated as you teach the other counting lessons in this module.
Module 4 • Quarter 1 • Shapes
Three Weeks • October 14 - November 1
In this module, students will
- Identify squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, and hexagons K.G.A.2
- Identify squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, and hexagons in the environment K.G.A.1
- Identify cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres K.G.A.2
- Identify cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres in the environment K.G.A.1
- Use positional words to describe the relationship between objects (eg. above, below, in front of, etc) K.G.A.1
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module identifying shapes (KG2). Then, describe objects in the environment with shape names (KG1). Finally, work with positional words (KG1). Teachers should spend time reading the About the Math pages for both KG1 and KG2 before teaching this module. It is critical to understand how these standards connect and overlap as you plan for instruction.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Shapes and Their Attributes
Module 5 • Quarter 2 • Classifying and Measuring
Three Weeks • November 4 - November 26
In this module, students will
- Classify objects into categories using color, shape, size, height, length, weight if appropriate, etc K.MD.B.3
- Describe measurable attributes; length, height, weight, and capacity K.MD.A.1
- Compare objects by length, height, weight, and capacity K.MD.A.2
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Week 1: Classify and count objects into categories (KMD3). Week 2: Describe measurable attributes (KMD1). Week 3: Compare objects by attributes (KMD2). Teachers should spend time reading the About the Math pages for KMD1, KMD2 and KMD3 before teaching this module. It is critical to understand how these standards connect and overlap as you plan for instruction.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Concepts of Measurement and Data
Module 6 • Quarter 2 • Comparison
Three Weeks • December 2 - December 20
In this module, students will
- Compare groups/objects to 10 K.CC.C.6
- Compare numbers to 10, connect to above standard K.CC.C.7
- Compare groups/objects to 20 K.CC.C.6
- Compare numbers to 20, connect to above standard K.CC.C.7
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module by comparing up to 10 objects (KCC6) and numerals to 10 (KCC7). Then, compare objects (KCC6) and numerals (KCC7) to 20. Teachers should spend time reading the About the Math pages for both KCC6 and KCC7 before teaching this module. It is critical to understand how these standards connect and overlap as you plan for instruction.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Number Concepts and Relationships
- Other Notes-- This module provides an ideal opportunity to incorporate writing of numerals K.CC.A.3
- Other Notes-- These standards technically involve numerals to only 10. Extend to 20 when appropriate for students.
Module 7 • Quarter 2 • Counting to 50
Three Weeks • January 2 - January 17
In this module, students will
- Count to 50 starting at 1, use objects, number charts, number paths/lines, etc. K.CC.A.1
- Count to 50 starting off a number other than 1 K.CC.A.2
- Identify patterns within counting. K.CC.A.1
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module with lessons on counting to 50 starting at the number one (KCC1). Then, count to 50 starting at numbers other than one (KCC2). Finally, identify patterns when counting (KCC1).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Counting Principles
- Other Notes-- Although none of the lessons count by tens to 50, try to incorporate this into your work with the number chart during this module.
- Other Notes-- The full extent of these standards is counting up to 100. Lessons for this will appear later in the year (module 13), but you can extend to 100 now if appropriate for specific students.
Second Semester: Quarters 3 and 4
Module 8 • Quarter 3 • Decomposing and Adding to 5
Three Weeks • January 21 - February 6
In this module, students will
- Decompose 5 in a variety of ways (e.g. 4 and 1, 2 and 3, 0 and 5). K.OA.A.3
- Understand and represent addition within 5 (sums to 5). K.OA.A.1
- Solve word problems with sums to 5 (use result unknown problem types) K.OA.A.2 Note: Use as a context for standard above.
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Week 1: Decompose within 5 (KOA3). Week 2: Understand and represent addition within 5 (KOA1). Week 3: Solve addition word problems with sums to 5 (KOA2)
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Addition, Subtraction
- Other Notes-- The full extent of these standards is to 10. Lessons for this will appear later in the year (modules 10 and 11). Although not formally written as a standard, we recommend highlighting the relationship between addition and subtraction as appropriate.
Module 9 • Quarter 3 • Subtraction within 5
Two Weeks • February 10 - February 21
In this module, students will
- Understand and represent subtraction within 5. K.OA.1
- Solve word problems with subtraction within 5 (use result unknown problem types) K.OA.A.2 Note: Use as a context for standard above.
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Week 1: Understand and represent subtraction within 5 (KOA1). Week 2: Solve subtraction word problems with differences within 5 (KOA2).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Addition, Subtraction
- Other Notes-- The full extent of these standards is to 10. Lessons for this will appear later in the year (module 11). Although not formally written as a standard, we recommend highlighting the relationship between addition and subtraction as appropriate.
Module 10 • Quarter 3 • Decomposing Through 10
Two Weeks • February 24 - March 7
In this module, students will
- Decompose numbers through 10 in varied ways (e.g. 8 can be decomposed into 5 and 3, 6 and 2, etc.) K.OA.A.3 Note: Decompose into two quantities. Decompose into three only if appropriate for your students.
- Recognize combinations of 10 K.OA.A.4
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Week 1: Decompose numbers through 10 (KOA3). Week 2: Recognize combinations of 10 (KOA4).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Addition
- Other Notes-- These two standards naturally overlap and connections should be made. Although not formally written as a standard, we recommend highlighting the relationship between addition and subtraction as appropriate.
Module 11 • Quarter 3 • Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Three Weeks • March 10 - March 28
In this module, students will
- Solve word problems with sums to 10 (Use result unknown problems, total unknown and two unknown addends types). K.OA.A.2 Note: Used as a context for the standard below.
- Understand and represent addition within 10 K.OA.1
- Solve word problems with subtraction within 10 (Use result unknown problem types) K.OA.A.2 Note: Used as a context for the standard below.
- Understand and represent subtraction within differences within 10 K.OA.1
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- First, begin the module understanding and representing addition within 10 (KOA1). Second, solve problems with addition within 10 (result unknown, total unknown and two addends unknown) (KOA2). Third, work with understanding and representing subtraction within 10 (KOA1). Fourth, solve problems with subtraction with differences within 10, result unknown (KOA2). Finally, solve problems with addition and subtraction within the same lessons (KOA2).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Addition, Subtraction
- Other Notes-- For students who are ready, you can extend problem solving with sums to 20, differences within 20, and story structures that go beyond the Kindergarten story types. (For example, change unknown and comparison)
- Other Notes-- Although not formally written as a standard, we recommend highlighting the relationship between addition and subtraction as appropriate.
Module 12 • Quarter 4 • Decompose 11-19
Three Weeks • April 1 - April 25
In this module, students will
- Decompose 11-19 using objects and equations K.NBT.A.1
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- First, work with students on the idea of bundling with groupable base-ten models (snap cubes, straws, beans, etc) Next, continue counting and grouping ideas to help students understand the unitizing of "a ten". Finally, work with pregrouped base-ten models (base ten blocks or little ten frames that are fixed/pre-printed and connect to the matching equation.
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Counting Principles
- Important Notes-- It is highly recommended that you start this module by using the first three lessons listed under slide-based tasks. These tasks do the important work of unitizing, the understanding of 10 ones as 1 ten. Of course, the slides do not need to be used, but the ideas and activities within those resources should be used.
Module 13 • Quarter 4 • Count to 100
Three Weeks • April 28 - May 16
In this module, students will
- Count to 100 using objects number charts, number paths/lines, etc K.CC.A.1
- Count to 100 by tens. K.CC.A.1
- Count to 100 starting with any number using charts, number paths/lines, etc. K.CC.A.2
- Rote count starting with any number K.CC.A.2
- Count backwards **if appropriate for your students
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Begin the module working with counting to 100 using a number chart (KCC1) and counting to 100 by tens (KCC1). Then, count to 100 starting at a number other than one (KCC2).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Counting Principles
Module 14 • Quarter 4 • 2D and 3D Figures
Two Weeks • May 19 - May 30
In this module, students will
- Identify attributes of 2D and 3D figures K.G.A.3
- Analyze and compare attributes of 2D and 3D figures K.G.B.4
- Draw and make models of shapes K.G.A.5
- Use simple shapes to make larger shapes K.G.B.6
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended timing guidelines-- Week 1: Identify attributes of 2D shapes and 3D figures (KG3) and analyze and compare attributes of 2D shapes and 3D figures (KG4). Week 2: Draw and make models of shapes (KG5) and use shapes to make larger shapes (KG6).
- Measurement Topic(s) in this Module-- Shapes and Their Attributes
Module 15 • Quarter 4 • Revisiting Big Ideas
One Week • June 2 - June 11
In this module, students will revisit critical concepts to confirm that they can
- Count to 100 K.CC.A.1,K.CC.A.2
- Add and subtract within 10 K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2
- Decomposing 11-19 K.NBT.A.1
Notes About the Module:
- The standards above represent some of the major math ideas from Kindergarten. Teachers should spend time on the topics most needed by your students. Use materials from previous modules addressing these topics.
*note: add and subtract to 5 (K.OA.A.5) is realized through other work with addition and subtraction
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