Kindergarten Additional Resources

Kindergarten Mathematics

Additional Resources


Resource Bank

This page offers a collection of print resource masters for classroom instruction, including number lines, hundreds charts, and many more! It also offers links to virtual manipulatives.


Math Materials

The Office of Early Childhood Programs supplies a variety of math manipulatives and resources for kindergarten teams and classrooms. Please visit the Kindergarten Inventory page for a list of materials. 


Math Journals


icon-interactive.pngStudents need many opportunities to write in mathematics. Journaling can be done as a warm-up, independent work, closing, or assessment activity. This module provides resources for supporting math journals as a component of quality mathematics instruction.



reknrek.pngThe Rekenrek, or arithmetic rack, was designed by Adrian Treffers, a mathematics curriculum researcher at the Freudenthal Institute in Holland, to support the natural development of number sense in children.

download.jpg HCPSS Adapted Resources (zip) Download HCPSS Adapted Resources (zip)


icon-weblink.png K-5 Math Teaching Resources: Rekenrek Resources Links to an external site.


MST Professional Development, Fall 2016



Supporting Parents

icon-interactive.pngLinks to resources for supporting parents. This includes parent updates, translated documents, and math milestone videos.



Walkthrough Tools

The files below are walkthrough tools for administrators and teachers to use to visit mathematics instruction. They are designed to look for evidence of high-quality mathematics instruction. These tools are provided as examples. Schools may select the tool that aligns most closely to their School Improvement Plans and/or professional learning activities. Users may choose to focus on a select number of practices for the Effective Teaching Practices tool or the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP) tool.

Tools for Foundational Walkthroughs

The components of these walkthroughs should not be adjusted.



Tools for Practices Walkthroughs

These may be adjusted to look for specific, focused practices instead of all eight practices.



Student-Facing Apps for Classroom iPads


iPads have been provided to every kindergarten teacher for classroom use. An assortment of apps that support kindergarten standards can be found at the Domain-Specific Resources page. 

KCC Vocab Cards.pngVocabulary cards, web-based games, and other domain-specific resources can also be found at this page.


Literature Connections

A comprehensive list of suggested titles, sorted by standards, can be found in the document below. Titles with complementary lessons or activities are also indicated. Check your school library or Howard County Library System for availability, or purchase using Materials of Instruction (MOI) funds. 

download.jpg Download Literature Connections


Student-Facing Games

icon-interactive.png Click and play games, aligned to instructional domains, are available for student use in the computer lab or mobile lab setting.


Investigations Resources


In order to teach the Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards Links to an external site., teachers will use resources provided by the Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics Office. Recommended resources, aligned to each standard, can be found in the standards page. These include Investigations in Data and Space, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics K-3, Developing Number Concepts, Hands-On Standards, Super Source K-2, and Math Intervention: Building Number Power.

The questioning and modeling practices highlighted in the Investigations program align with principles of developmentally appropriate practice, rigorous instructional pedagogy, and components of the Danielson Framework.

Investigations Alignment & Condensing Documents

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