Whip Around
Kindergarten Mathematics
Closure: Whip Around
Standards for Mathematical Practices: 3,7
This closure activity allows students to come together as a group and share something that they have learned and believe to be true. Teacher provides the topic for which the statements should relate. Students take turns tossing something soft (ball or similar object) among peers. The student who catches the object states something that they have learned; the teacher agrees by stating, "true statement." The teacher can also ask for further detail or explanation. If the student makes an inaccurate statement, students or the teacher can request that this statement be discussed until the statement is true. Once the statement is true, the original student who made the statement should have the opportunity to restate with the corrected version.
Suggestions for Kindergarten:
- Shapes
- Decomposition
- Making a Ten
- Attributes
- Etc.
Possible Questions for Discussion
- Can you think of another example that supports your statement?
- What evidence supports your statement?
- Could you think of an instance where this statement would not be true?
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