
Number Routines Grade 5 G/t

A routine is a familiar, adaptable protocol for engaging students in learning through thinking and discussion. Routines establish expectations for engagement and participation. Routines support management and foster positive mathematics relationships. There are routines for classroom management, engagement, problem solving, language, number sense, and fluency. 

Number routines are effective for reinforcing underemphasized skills. They are opportunities for practice and student engagement setting the tone for a lesson that will be rich in sense-making and discussion. Number routines should be the first thing that happens in the math lesson lasting ten or so minutes when students are most ready to learn.

Keep in mind that number routines:

  • are intended to be a quick activity to develop number sense, fluency, and reasoning. 
  • should take about 10 minutes. 
  • should leverage think-pair-share and other cooperative strategies.
  • are intended to engage students in mental mathematics, reasoning, and discussion. Use of paper/pencil should be limited. 
  • should be modified to meet the needs of your students.
  • should feature carefully selected topics.
  • should spotlight different strategies or solutions but are not intended for every student to share out or for every solution to be explored.


Number Routines

Below is a list of number routines to begin your math lesson.  When you select a link you will find a description of the routine, step-by-step directions, a video demonstration, and classroom-ready examples prepared in Google slides.  

1 2 3
Picture It Where's the Point? Target Number
Condition Mystery Number Another Way to Say It
This or That Over/Under Close, Far, In Between
About or Between Splat Count Around


Number Talks

Number Talks is considered a premier number routine for Howard County elementary schools. Before using this number routine, you should be formally trained by the Elementary Mathematics Office.  Training will be offered throughout the year.  For more information, check with the Math Coach that supports your school.

Number Talks are classroom conversations around purposefully crafted computation problems that students attempt to solve mentally.  The problems in a number talk are designed to elicit specific fluency strategies for each operation. Student discussion about reasoning and strategy section help them develop flexibility and efficiency.

Number Talks should be used 2 to 3 times a week.

The Number Talks Scope and Sequence linked below presents strategies and problems in an intentional order so that students are taught strategies within the curriculum before practicing them during Number Talks.

Grade 5 GT Number Talks Scope and Sequence Links to an external site.

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