Choose Your Favorite Solution

Grade 5 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Choose Your Favorite Solution

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

In this closure activity, the class is shown a problem and 2 to 4 ways to solve that problem.  Students then choose which solution is their favorite and defend why it is their favorite solution.  (For example, in the primary classroom, give a subtraction problem that is solved using counting up, counting back and adjusting.  Or in the intermediate classroom, give a multiplication problem that is solved using making landmark/friendly numbers, breaking factors into smaller factors and partial products.)  The teacher should record student ideas when they share which solution is their favorite and why.  After students share their ideas, the teacher should use a couple of the questions below to help students attach meaning to what has been discussed.  


Questions you could ask:

  1. What patterns do you notice?
  2. Could you use another strategy to solve this problem?
  3. What tools could help you?
  4. What is the same about _____'s favorite solution and ______'s favorite solution?  What is different?
  5. What is one thing that you learned?
  6. Do you have a question about ____'s favorite solution?



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