
Grade 5 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Doodling

Standards for Mathematical Practices:  2, 3, 4, 7

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In her book, Mathematical Mindsets, Jo Boaler states, "brain science tells us that the most powerful learning occurs when we use different pathways in the brain . . . mathematics learning, particularly the formal abstract mathematics that takes up a lot of the school curriculum, is enhanced when students are using visual and intuitive math thinking, connected with numerical thinking.  A really good way to encourage this is through drawing ideas."  In this closure activity, teachers ask students to use a sketch, cartoon or doodle to demonstrate their understanding of what was taught in class.  The teacher can then select some doodles and have students explain their drawings.  Or students can share their doodle with a partner or small group first and then the teacher can select a few doodles and have students explain them.

Questions you could ask:

  1. How is your doodle and your partner's doodle similar?  different?
  2. What do you notice about ___'s doodle?  What do you wonder?
  3. How does this doodle relate to what we are learning in class?


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