My Favorite No
Grade 5 G/T Mathematics
Closure - My Favorite No
Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
In this closure activity, students will answer a question provided by their teacher. The teacher then sorts the answers in to two groups, correct and incorrect. Next the teacher goes through the incorrect answers and chooses one that demonstrates good mathematical thinking before a mistake occurred. The teacher rewrites the incorrect solution to keep the focus on the math and not the student. The teacher then asks the class what is correct or what the teacher likes in the problem first and students share what they notice. Then the teacher asks where the mistake is and students share the mistake and how to correct it.
Questions you could ask:
- Is this a reasonable answer?
- Is there something that can be eliminated?
- Is there something that is missing?
- What do you know about this part?
- What do you notice about . . .
- Where have you seen something like this before?
- What is something you know won't work?
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