Tell A Story

Grade 5 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Tell a Story

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 6, 7

In this closure activity, students are given an equation from which they will write a story problem.  The object is for them to make a real life problem.  After students write a story problem, they share their story problem with a partner.  

Partners will listen for the following criteria:

  1. Do you understand the question that your partner wrote at the end of the story?
  2. Does the equation match the story problem?

The students can share their story problem with the class and the class will discuss if the story problem meets the given criteria.


 Questions you could ask:

  1. How do you know that the given equation solves your story problem?
  2. What is something you know won't work?
  3. Is there another possible way to come to the same solution?
  4. What tools could help you solve this problem?
  5. How is ______'s story problem the same as/different from ________'s story problem?
  6. Does anyone have a question about _______'s story problem?

From Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space, Grade 1, TERC, 2008


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